I sold this spiked helmet to a fellow member of the forum on the e-stand, and he said he does not find it to be worth what he paid. He paid $1,060. There are a few little flaws as mentioned in the discription, but it is a very nice display. Is it worth that? I had quite a few people in line for it, but since he was first, I let him have it. Thus, I would think the price was fair?
I sold this spiked helmet to a fellow member of the forum on the e-stand, and he said he does not find it to be worth what he paid. He paid $1,060. There are a few little flaws as mentioned in the discription, but it is a very nice display. Is it worth that? I had quite a few people in line for it, but since he was first, I let him have it. Thus, I would think the price was fair?