The e-stand is receiving a great number of hits and posts, so in order to optimize the performance of this section I would like to clarify the e-stand rules and make them available by posting them here.

Above all, be aware that all posts here are the responsibility of the members/badge owner. Please understand that while the community will react to fake items, LLC in no way certifies the items posted for sale by members. (the site) is also in NO WAY responsible for the transactions entered between members.  This is a peer to peer system and if you are not comfortable with the person with whom you are entering into a transaction, you should not move forward.  This site can not and will not guarantee the safe arrival of your items, the return of your money, or any other aspect of the transactions carried out.  This is a world wide, busy militaria market - proceed using your common sense.

That said, 99% of the transactions go without a hitch, and if I receive a complaint on the use the e-stand and the accused member does not contact the administration we reserve the right to suspended said member. 

These are the rules of the e-stand.  Failure to comply with these rules will result in the revocation of Association Membership.

I) Returns –

a) Returns must be allowed by the seller for any reason for a period of 7 seven days from when the items arrives.

b) The item must be returned via traceable means, and in the same exact condition as was received.

II) Reproductions -

a) Any reproductions sold on this forum must be clearly labeled as such. The sale of fakes will not be tolerated. If you post an item here, you are agree that it may be discussed in the forum by the members.

III) Disputes

a) If a dispute occurs, both parties are be encouraged to first attempt a resolution. In the extremely rare case that this is not possible, they will asked to submit their case in writing. The reports will be reviewed by the Administrator who will return a final verdict.  Failure to return correspondence from the administrator will result in revocation of Association Membership.

IV) Links

a) Links or other references to commercial/auction websites or businesses are not allowed, to include text on photographs.

V) General Posting Etiquette

a) A member may have up to 10 threads.  Listing all your items under one posting is encouraged, but if necessary they may be split up into different “categories” (say cloth, medals, etc).  Abuse or commercial use of the e-stand is not allowed and will result in the removal of your posting privileges.

b) When an item is sold, please mark it as such.

c) Posting public prices for the items you have for sale is required.

d) Giving Association members discounts (even a token one - shipping for example) is both encouraged and appreciated.

e) Shipping charges must be actual shipping costs. Padding your order with “shipping and handling” charges is not allowed, as this is not the spirit of this forum. If you want to get a couple of extra dollars please work this into the price of the item, not a surprise shipping surcharge.

f) When listing your items try to group similar items in a single post so as to allow the maximum amount of threads on the front page.

g) The seller and the buyer are expected to make contact quickly. If you say you will buy an item, you are expected to pay for such in a prompt matter unless otherwise arranged.

h) Selling items on behalf of someone else is strictly prohibited and will result in your permanent expulsion from the website in your first offence. 

I) When an item is placed for sale, the seller has the responsibility of selling the item at the posted price to the first member who responds.

J) The buyer and seller should confer on the method of shipping including details such as insurance and delivery confirmation.  Ninety nine percent of problems come from lost packages and who should be responsible.  Insurance and delivery confirmation may cost an extra couple of dollars but it's well worth it in the end.

H) No "auction" type sales.

VII) E-Stand Moderation

The e-stand (for sale section) on this site functions as a peer to peer transaction system. We do not in any way guarantee the authenticity of an item for sale. The primary job of the moderator is to oversee the operation of the forum, not to review each piece posted for authenticity (an impossible task).

That said, we aim for a friendly and "safe" atmosphere in which to conduct operations so if the moderator so sees fit, he may start a thread in the appropriate discussion forum in regards to an item posted for sale.  It is stated on the e-stand rules that if an item is posted for sale said item may be discussed, thus this is the proper course of action. A link to the discussion may be posted on the for sale thread at the discretion of the moderator.

VII) Disclaimer

Again, this a collector to collector interaction, makes no guarantee as the authenticity of the items for sale, the safe arrival or funds or merchandise, or any other aspect of the transaction.

This section of the forum has turned out the be a busy hub of trade and sale, lets keep working together to maintain this internal traffic by adhering to these simple guidelines.  Using good communication and common sense keeps everyone safe and happy.

Remember that this is a direct collector-to-collector channel, so use the golden rule. 

Thanks, and good hunting.

Sebastián J. Bianchi