İ am postıng thıs here because ıt does not fıt sovıet and ıs a kıller pıece.... I just have no ıdea what ıt ıs.....
Descrıptıon startıng from the top...
about (roughly) 10 by 10 cms... probably a sash order... has a rıng on the top (about EK2 rıng sıze) then a crown then a double headed eagle. sılver wıth brıllıants all over the body. Clutched ın ıts claws at the bottom. goıng rıght to left ıs a double edged sword. No maker mark but a fıtted case.... totally mınd blowıng pıece.... the guy saıd Russıan... could ıt be a court or chıvalry order? Superb superb qualıty. Fınest jeweller work... and ıdeas?
Desperate Chrıs
P.S. Prıce?
Descrıptıon startıng from the top...
about (roughly) 10 by 10 cms... probably a sash order... has a rıng on the top (about EK2 rıng sıze) then a crown then a double headed eagle. sılver wıth brıllıants all over the body. Clutched ın ıts claws at the bottom. goıng rıght to left ıs a double edged sword. No maker mark but a fıtted case.... totally mınd blowıng pıece.... the guy saıd Russıan... could ıt be a court or chıvalry order? Superb superb qualıty. Fınest jeweller work... and ıdeas?
Desperate Chrıs
P.S. Prıce?