Here is a very fine and rare 1920-1945 cross that just came in. This example is in gilt bronze (appears to have very high copper content as I can see red showing through where the finish has rubbed), with chased letters. It matches the gilt bronze example posted in the Godet PLM thread but is better strike and quality and the letters on that example are not engraved. The die also appears to be an exact match to the Meybauer one sided PLM.
The 50 year oaks are silver gilt and unmarked and I can not find a match in design to them- S&L and Souvals post 45 oaks are different. The quality of strike is very high. A unique PLM set I think.
The 50 year oaks are silver gilt and unmarked and I can not find a match in design to them- S&L and Souvals post 45 oaks are different. The quality of strike is very high. A unique PLM set I think.