I picked 1 up from Barry at SOS & correct, it's 1 very heavy book. Had to carry in my carry-on flying home as it would have put my luggage over the weight limit
I am interested in the badge on page 52 as well. I am no expert on Imperial Flight Badges but do collect them. I consult others who are more knowledgeable than I am. I have the highest regard for Carsten Blades . I was always told that this type was not original. I am a bit confused and would love to hear from experts on this as well. N. Coe
IMO .. As I understand, the badge shown on page 52 of Baldes' book is not accepted, by many, as an original period example. The badge pictured on page 53 is the accepted type. The main thing to look for is the half-circle shaped crown well as opposed to the proper cupcake shaped crown well. Although most fake Bavarian PBs are found with the half-circle crown well, there are also known fake examples that have the proper cupcake shaped crown well. There are many other factors to consider, along with the crown well shapes, in determining authenticity. I'm curious, is it mentioned somewhere in this ten pound behemoth, how Baldes came up with the date of 1919 on these badges?
Lovely book, unfortunately several questionable details and incorrectly attributed badges, page 52 being a case in point.
Can you add more detail here, Ferg? I'd like to make a note of other errors/issues in the book. I can't imagine anyone could make a book of this magnitude without at least a handful of quirks.
If you know your makers and their characteristic badge details then you should have no problem seeing the errors (IMO) . Send me a PM and I will try to list the questionable ones for you. I don't want to tread on too many toes ! Ferg
If you know your makers and their characteristic badge details then you should have no problem seeing the errors (IMO) . Send me a PM and I will try to list the questionable ones for you. I don't want to tread on too many toes ! Ferg
Don't be shy post your list here. I'm sure many others would like to see them.
I will start.
Badges on page: 189, 245, 257, 413 are original in my oppinion. But there is no evidence that the maker is Godet. The author gives no reasons.
Page: 203. Not from the award period.
Page: 256. Not from the award period.
Page: 319. Questionable.
Page 399. A modern copy. Same like page 674.
Page 675. An original from the maker with square punch.
If you know your makers and their characteristic badge details then you should have no problem seeing the errors (IMO) . Send me a PM and I will try to list the questionable ones for you. I don't want to tread on too many toes ! Ferg