I have recently acquired 5 Militärpasse, 2 Soldbucher and 1 Uberweisungsnationale. I'm not into WW1 militaria and these were found in a collection of mainly WW2 photo albums and documents. I did a quick search on ebay and the forums and found out it seems they aren't very popuplar. As I have no knowledge of this stuff I decided to post them anyway for your viewing pleasure and I am hoping some of you could give me some advice is there is anything rare, curious or just interesting to be found within them. I could use some help on some entries as well. I'll post these seperately as I thought that would be easier to handle. I could be missing some important pages, so if you need any more scans, please let me know.
This is the Militärpass of Musketier Heinrich Vollmer. He served in Infanterieregiment "Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande" 15. From 1916 to 1918 he served as well (Ldw IR 55), but nothing spectacular I think. I am wondering though what is the award "A.M." (I think) entered on page 3?
This is the Militärpass of Musketier Heinrich Vollmer. He served in Infanterieregiment "Prinz Friedrich der Niederlande" 15. From 1916 to 1918 he served as well (Ldw IR 55), but nothing spectacular I think. I am wondering though what is the award "A.M." (I think) entered on page 3?