Very impressive What more can one say with a MG08 as the centre piece . Old lumber has so many uses not just fire wood well done and hope to see more pictures as it evolves
What a great display you have there! It must be even more impressive live than the picture can show... Maybe you can make some extra pics with some more light?
Sad that none have commented.
Anyway, I do believe that there are many more people than me, who are impressed by what you have putted together.
I don't get it Matthiass... 30 positive comments before you come along to write that it's sad none has commented ...
I have to admit that I wasn't really inspred by the topic title to look... this is far better than the title suggested...
Thanks for all the positive responses.... it's always good to get positive feedback. I will be posting update photos in the future to show how the display is evolving. I have some big plans for it but what I see in my mind might not be how it actually turns out. My daughter, who is an artist, will be home for Christmas. I'll be talking with her about painting a backdrop on all the areas that are presently white drywall.
What I see + what she can do = how it'll turn out....
New pictures in a month or two.... In the meantime a Merry Christmas and All The Best For The New Year... Jim