Thank you! Its been a while since the last update. Here is my uboot engineer. He has a KM stamped Dräger Optische Gasmaske. Sadly I do not have the hose/filter or case for this. I bought this and the leather jacket in Trondheim (Which had the uboot base Dora I & II). Though it is impossible to say that this was used on a sub.
I don´t think that this combination of items would have been unlikely in a sub. They did have MP40s, gasmasks against chlorine gas. Though the grey leather jacket would probably be a more likely garment. The brown jacket is a converted civilian model with glas KM-buttons.
I don´t think that this combination of items would have been unlikely in a sub. They did have MP40s, gasmasks against chlorine gas. Though the grey leather jacket would probably be a more likely garment. The brown jacket is a converted civilian model with glas KM-buttons.