You have an amazing collection
In regards to your Canadian medical Doctor, he was not a member of the Permnent Force as the regular army was known back then. This is bourne out by his being awarded the Canadian Efficiency Decoration (the green/yellow/green ribbon).
Awarded to Commissioned officers with 20 years meritorious service in the non-permanent active militia, <ACRONYM title="Royal Canadian Air Force">RCAF</ACRONYM> Auxiliary and Reserve until 17 August 1942. War service counted double for this medal. Half of the time spent in the ranks counted towards this medal. Superseded by Canadian Forces Decoration (<ACRONYM title="Canadian Forces Decoration">CD</ACRONYM>)
In regards to your Canadian medical Doctor, he was not a member of the Permnent Force as the regular army was known back then. This is bourne out by his being awarded the Canadian Efficiency Decoration (the green/yellow/green ribbon).
Awarded to Commissioned officers with 20 years meritorious service in the non-permanent active militia, <ACRONYM title="Royal Canadian Air Force">RCAF</ACRONYM> Auxiliary and Reserve until 17 August 1942. War service counted double for this medal. Half of the time spent in the ranks counted towards this medal. Superseded by Canadian Forces Decoration (<ACRONYM title="Canadian Forces Decoration">CD</ACRONYM>)