Thanks for all the great comments. Like I said before I really enjoy being able to finally share my collection and see what other people have in their collection. I have alot of my stuff in storage and some of it with me. I`m trying to catalog the tinnies and these are some I have on hand.
Thanks MRG. I`m getting another handfull of riker mounts today from my storage to catalog more of my tinnies, so I might throw a few more pics up.I hope Y`all enjoy
Chris, Somehow I KNEW I would find you skulking about showing off your tinnies now that you joined! Now I get to see a few more of them. Very nice. I know you have a couple more - keep posting... Rick C
Thanks Rick. Its great to be aboard. As always it amazes me at all the incredible stuff thats out there in collections and at the same time I`m learning alot about this hobby, or business for some, from people who really know what the hell their talking about.