I recently listed a Zelt Pole bag with pins and poles for sale in this thread: http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru....php?t=1027512 An individual was interested but was wondering if it was WWII. I believe that it is WWI era but these were used from then through WWII. These were also used by civilian campers. I did not list a descriptor..ie WWI, Weimar.. because I didn't know. Any help in giving a date to this set is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I recently listed a Zelt Pole bag with pins and poles for sale in this thread: http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru....php?t=1027512 An individual was interested but was wondering if it was WWII. I believe that it is WWI era but these were used from then through WWII. These were also used by civilian campers. I did not list a descriptor..ie WWI, Weimar.. because I didn't know. Any help in giving a date to this set is greatly appreciated. Thank you.