This canteen is a real curiosity. It had been locked in a wardrobe all those years until she was discovered at a sale. I hope someone has an idea about this configuration (?). No rig and no cup but a chinstrap stitched as a support strap. Perhaps an officer's canteen or a spare canteen with a spare chinstrap (?). The manufacturer is KVU44 which is RFI (Rudolf Fissler KG, Idar-Oberstein.), due to changes in end-of-war code.
I finally found a shovel carrier for my Ml 17 e-tool for a MG08 / 15 servant, from the AWM manufacturer (ArtillerieWerkstättenMünchen) and dated: June 1917...
I finally found a shovel carrier for my Ml 17 e-tool for a MG08 / 15 servant, from the AWM manufacturer (ArtillerieWerkstättenMünchen) and dated: June 1917...