Hi there. My name is Sergio from Argentina. Serching information and pictures of my flashlight, I stumbled upon this beautiful forum. I congratulate you on how well organized you are.
In this forum Dutch, http://wo2forum.nl/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=17432&start=90 , shows a poster dating to these lanterns as of 1959-1960. That poster is real or someone will have altered? because if it is real obviously my flashlight is postwar. I ask this because I've seen that have sold two of them saying they were from the Kampfschwimmer and sold for $ 130. - This is the actual value for a PERTRIX 518 or is a scam? Thank you very much and best regards.
In this forum Dutch, http://wo2forum.nl/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=17432&start=90 , shows a poster dating to these lanterns as of 1959-1960. That poster is real or someone will have altered? because if it is real obviously my flashlight is postwar. I ask this because I've seen that have sold two of them saying they were from the Kampfschwimmer and sold for $ 130. - This is the actual value for a PERTRIX 518 or is a scam? Thank you very much and best regards.