Private purchase
Porsche I asked all of those questions two years ago when I started this thread and if the DAK big guns on this forum dont know for sure than it will take a period Blatt to confirm it as Manny just mentioned. I doubt though that these are private purchace items due to the type of markings on them
I seen a large amount of ground dug items last year from Demjansk out of about 30 dishes two where of this type and undated, this still prooves nothing as troops would have been transfered from the med area to USSR
and held on to the dish.
I wouldint dismiss the dish laying on a DAK rucksack as lightly as that I would only dismiss it if there was dozens of pictures of European THO troops pictured with this type of dish . Anyone seen any pictures of this dish in none tropical use??
Originally posted by Porsche
I seen a large amount of ground dug items last year from Demjansk out of about 30 dishes two where of this type and undated, this still prooves nothing as troops would have been transfered from the med area to USSR
and held on to the dish.
I wouldint dismiss the dish laying on a DAK rucksack as lightly as that I would only dismiss it if there was dozens of pictures of European THO troops pictured with this type of dish . Anyone seen any pictures of this dish in none tropical use??