I'm starting to get second thoughts about this tunic now that I've seen the other two you posted.
I see a few similarities in materials and construction that are concerning me.
Post 5 showing the belt ramp support strap looks like there is some old excess thread on the strap where it is making the fold upwards, like it was cannibalized from another tunic.
The other two are completely different material than this wrap. I was already given doubts on the other two, so I'm not surprised. But the wrapper was liked by everyone so far.
Also, they all don't come from the same source....
Need a close up of the outside collar, where the tabs would be. There appears to be award loops, so this one would have been issued. Any ghost of collar tabs?
I can look again, but I did not see any trace of previous tabs or a sleeve eagle on the wrapper. Yes, there is a single set of loops sewn on.
I would need to personally see a LOT more before saying one way or he other with certainty ..however my initial opinion is not positive..sorry hope I'm wrong. So many aspects of Heer construction, it could possibly be a good HEER wrapper but it's also quite off for a Heer wrapper.
I'm surprised to read some comments, of course is an intriguing wrap but at same time it's full of details a wrap ss collector would NEVER seen.
From pocket to stamp and sbw features, from button holes to cross lining, from back collar to strings.
For sure I would pay to handle it, by the way for a decade we have discussed the most little details on stug wrap without accepting any variatio (f.e. the waist string at some point accepted only in htb) so it is clear, and i am surprised by fans, this wrap has a LARGE quantity of different details.
Is fake? From these pictures is impossible to say, for sure there is quite nothing I want to see in a ss wrap.
And it is a clear NOT an ssbw production
For sure I would pay to handle it, by the way for a decade we have discussed the most little details on stug wrap without accepting any variatio (f.e. the waist string at some point accepted only in htb) so it is clear, and i am surprised by fans, this wrap has a LARGE quantity of different details.
Is fake? From these pictures is impossible to say, for sure there is quite nothing I want to see in a ss wrap.
And it is a clear NOT an ssbw production
I agree..not one to own IMO..one lookers can be found, and that is personally what I buy. It can take MANY MANY years of patient searching to find the right one..sometimes they pop up when one least expects..has always been the case with me.