David Hiorth


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Interesting SS related items, or just tat?

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    Interesting SS related items, or just tat?


    I'm not sure of the best section to post these, but as they might relate to SS, I'll start here...

    I've just come from an antiques & collectors fair, where the missus bought a vase and on the same stall was a box of WW2 period German items. Lots of soap, spoons etc and paper items. I picked out a few bits that looked interesting and added them to the bill

    What do you think?...

    More photos to come

    And more, starting by with the reverse of the new years card envelope...


      And the best, I thought....

      There is something inside this envelope. It's not metal I don't think. There is a small tear but I can't see in and don't want to open until I have checked with the experts on here.

      I cannot see that it seems to be a present from High Command to the fine brave soldiers of the Waffen SS???


        Interesting items Especially the matchbox with propaganda


          Yes, I liked the matchbox - it was what caught my eye. And will display nicely. It has all the matches still in and doesn't seem to have been struck.

          I may put the other items in the classifieds, will go towards the very expensive vase the missus bought!

          The mystery envelope contains a pipe from what I've seen on another site. I'm not going to check though!


            The feldpost stands a chance, however the match box is fake and the tennis box (although original) has been pimped with a fake stamp. The pipe bag is also fake.


              Originally posted by David Fettes View Post
              The feldpost stands a chance, however the match box is fake and the tennis box (although original) has been pimped with a fake stamp. The pipe bag is also fake.
              Sadly I concur.




                I found a couple of websites with the matchbox and the pipe bag. One site went into great detail about how a propaganda chief issued the matchboxes and pipe gifts, and got into trouble for doing so.

                I can't believe someone went to the trouble of creating such a myth

                Are the matches and pipes known SS fantasy items? Or were there real ones at some point?

                There were lots of German items, which I presumed to be be war period. Most was not 'army' marked such as soap, washing soda, shoe insoles. Some had Wehrmacht markings (the cigarettes, more matchnoxes, some antiseptic tubes, field dressings) and then some had SS markings.


                  Mostly fantasy/ fake stuff
                  The Hitler stamps are real though but worthless..


                    As with most things, the longer the story the bigger the lie.

                    You find the matches and the pipes with fake Army and SS markings. These items and other things like soap, washing soda, shoe insoles would have been plain civvy ones and available either in the barracks canteen or in shops local to the barracks.

                    Military items like antiseptic tubes, field dressings etc etc should not normally have SS markings on them.

                    There are a few exceptions (for example Scho-ka-kola chocolate) that were Wehrmacht Packung marked but on the whole they were not.

                    If you have a spare few hours I would study the Rations thread, this will show you what to look for.

                    Last edited by David Fettes; 03-01-2015, 01:20 PM.


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