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TK Cap Button Opinions

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    Thanks to Martin, Jerry d., Jerry, Darryl-P, Bart, and Ade!

    I was starting to think I had never seen these before, or was going crazy. I know what casting is, and this is not a cast one.
    Terry Keller
    "ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken"


      Hi all,

      The one that is on the e-stand looks original to me.
      The main thing to look at, on these buttons, is the rolled edge on the back side. Look at the edge on the one that's on the e-stand and on Bob Hritz's and notice how it is smooth and even.
      Then, look at the rolled edge on the one in question and you will notice that the edge is very uneven and has cast ridges all along the roll.
      The details are very lacking as well. It is a well known multi-piece reproduction just like some of the Iron cross reproductions.
      Do you guys think that all multi-piece Iron crosses are real too?
      Also, the back of the button has been highly rusted with acid.
      I have seen these fakes so many times on Manion's, eBay, etc.
      If you guys do not start studying this stuff closer, instead of just assuming that everything is real, simply because it is multi-construction,
      then you are bound to get burned.
      Just look at the fake aluminum SS officer's buckle that you posted recently, Terry.

      Best! Chris


        Chris, your are right.


          closer back
          Attached Files
          Terry Keller
          "ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken"


            larger front
            Attached Files
            Terry Keller
            "ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken"


              Chris, thank you very much for the explanation!
              I will have to review my opinion. After closer study of the edge, it indeed seems to be cast, more obvious on the second picture of the back.


                Hi Chris, now I see what you mean. I would now agree with your observations.

                I know that we don't always have time to provide a full answer, but I think that this serves to show that when answering a question, it is much better to state the reasons for your answer. This is how we all learn.

                Cheers, Ade.


                  Yes, indeed...Chris seems to have been correct. Certainly not the poor casting jobs of the past but cast nonetheless. Even the obverse skull and stippling seems crude in this "cleaned-up" image.


                    These cast copies are currently retailing for £50 each in the UK at Beltring, Bedford, Leeds, etc.


                      Thanks for the improved images,these show the item in its true colors, an
                      improvment over the old one piece buttons indeed, however I am happy
                      it would not decieve if in hand, each day I learn more.


                        Hi All,

                        I have to admit that after looking at the original buttons I have, this one doesn't fit. That is why it was put on the forum, to get opinions, and explainations. Just a "cast repro!" doesn't make it. I've been a collector for over 40 years, and at one time could tell a fake a mile away. How ever with the advent of the modern faker, it is becoming much more difficult. Also, not having the large sums of money to spend as it appears that many on the forum seem to have, it is very hard to purchase original items to keep handy to put up next to new items for contrast. Does that make sense?
                        It is very hard to admit being fooled to a 22 year old, when I have kids older than you and have been collecting for double your age.
                        Terry Keller
                        "ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken"


                          Hi Terry and all,

                          No problem. I guess I should have been specific at first.
                          I just didn't think that anyone would disagree with me on that one.
                          I'm not saying that I am an expert, but I can assure you of this:
                          If I say "cast repro" or say "fake," I have a reason for saying so, and would be more than willing to explain it, should you ask.

                          I may be young and have only three years of collecting experience,
                          but I have dedicated the past three years of my life, solely to this hobby
                          and I have studied a few items more in the past three years than most
                          collectors have in 40 years. No one knows everything, but I always give my efforts 100%.
                          I am only trying to help other collectors and learn more myself,
                          here on this forum and I would never yell "fake", if I didn't believe 100% that the item is fake. I may make a mistake from time to time, but I am a man of my word and I do not look for arguments.
                          I still have much to learn over the next three years and hope to share and learn with you guys here on this wonderful forum.

                          Best, Chris



                            Age has nothing to do with it. It's dedication and an eye for detail...both of which you have in abundance. Keep up the good work!



                              Hi All,

                              I finally got good close up pics of a original SS officers belt buckle and if I could have seen them first, I would have known that that buckle was a repop, completely wrong. Keep studying, life is a big learning experience that never ends.
                              Terry Keller
                              "ihr wollt doch auch das Blut vom Degen lecken"


                                Nice job, Chris! The skull itself is rather convincing, but the
                                nasty pebbling is obviously bad. I've seen this on many repro buckles
                                as well. I guess the casting technique used does not pick up that
                                intricate detail, and has to be hand finished (poorly).


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