Im helping a good freind of mine that write the history about the Norwegian volunteers in the Waffen-SS. In these days he is working with three books, one about the "Frw Legion Norwegen" one about the Norwegian "Frontsisters" and finaly a book picture book that show pictures from every Norwegian WSS unit during the war. He have more than 10000 photos, BUT one of the units were under heavy fighting, and there was no time to take pictures. Im talking about 23. pz gren div "Norge"
Is it any of you out there who got pictures with men that you clearly can se the "Norge" cufftitle? If so please contact me, every photo is welcome, as long as it show the "Norge"
cuff. As a thank, your name will be used in the book, with full copyright!
Here is a cufftitle from my friend`s collection, it was given to him by a veteran. I can give some more info about this veteran later!
Hope some of you could help us!
And thank you Olav for posting the picture of the cuff
Best greetings
Øyvind from Norway
Im helping a good freind of mine that write the history about the Norwegian volunteers in the Waffen-SS. In these days he is working with three books, one about the "Frw Legion Norwegen" one about the Norwegian "Frontsisters" and finaly a book picture book that show pictures from every Norwegian WSS unit during the war. He have more than 10000 photos, BUT one of the units were under heavy fighting, and there was no time to take pictures. Im talking about 23. pz gren div "Norge"
Is it any of you out there who got pictures with men that you clearly can se the "Norge" cufftitle? If so please contact me, every photo is welcome, as long as it show the "Norge"
cuff. As a thank, your name will be used in the book, with full copyright!
Here is a cufftitle from my friend`s collection, it was given to him by a veteran. I can give some more info about this veteran later!
Hope some of you could help us!
And thank you Olav for posting the picture of the cuff
Best greetings
Øyvind from Norway