This may be a Sieder made collar tab the materials used post war were original but the bullion was always more loose than originals. Im curious to see the sleeve eagle. Felix is correct.
The Eagle is odd but looks pretty good..not like any fake Ive seen. Ive got to say this tunic baffles me I have seen original runics with the same configuration but usually with tighter embroidery .
Yes Sieder used materials that were wartime since they were a wartime firm but did not make SS insignias during the war that we know of. Usually the runic tabs they make have odd configuration and loose bullion, they do not glow under UV except the cardboard beneath the bullion might emit some glow.For the most part the tunics they are used on also have eagles from the same firm but this one does not.
John, I believe that the tunic is an original tunic,
it has a famous Munich Tailer label of Lodenfrey.
I'll show to this forum the rest of it, but I still have to make some pics.
Please find already the cufftitle.
What bothers me are indeed the runnes, which are odd.
I tink about to replace them, but I do hesitate so far...
As they are originally sewn to the tunic, this remains a questions
I would like to find some answers for...
Thanks very much for your appreciated comments and knowledge !
The cuff title is a reproduction. It means it is at best a rebadged or restored tunic with part fake insignias. I agree with Jpic that the eagle is a hard to judge eagle. I have not seen a similar fake, but not really a similar original either. Some original foreign made examples looks a bit similar though.
Why does the reverse of the collar have what seems to be "lining" material? I think the reason is to hide original stitches of other insignias.