I bougth this greatcoat because i liked the shoulderboards.
Imo they are fine M44-originals. But what is the rest?
Do you ever have seen such a eagle? Perhaps not SS, but anything else?
Could the tabs been foreign-made or are they pur crap?
Is the greatcoat a privat-purchase or a modern fake?
Without the boards, i would put the rest in the trash. But is there
a little chance, that something is oirignal there?
Imo they are fine M44-originals. But what is the rest?
Do you ever have seen such a eagle? Perhaps not SS, but anything else?
Could the tabs been foreign-made or are they pur crap?
Is the greatcoat a privat-purchase or a modern fake?
Without the boards, i would put the rest in the trash. But is there
a little chance, that something is oirignal there?