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Hagal Rune possible meanings for the SS

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    Originally posted by JoeW View Post
    Close, except for the "in" and the "yd". Did Himmler feel some supernatural affiliation to Heinrich I?

    It is said that on a certain night Himmler would descend into the crypt(now maintained , refurbished, and to some degree redesigned by Himmler's staff) of the King to be in communion with him as knights in days of old did an all night vigil in some sepulcre in purification and preparation for their future battles.

    And there is more to this affiliation .....
    Attached Files


      One rune to bind them

      Originally posted by Robin Lumsden View Post
      still no Hagal-Runes!
      Yes, none to see in those pictures.
      However, here it is.
      Heinrich's Hagal rune, replete with outer terminus, and inner Sigs.
      I consider the outer terminus borders to some degree may be emphasizing the fact that all the runes were considered to be found within the Hagal rune.

      Literally, the ultimate "...One rune to bind them all..."
      to misquote Tolkien, but perfectly elaborates my point.

      And so with all the other runes within it...
      Life and death and the eternal return are married.
      Without Life, there can be no Death, and without Death no eternal return.
      No renewal
      No Palingenesis
      No rising from the crucible of fire, purifyed from the dross of corrupt eras, pure and invigorated to persue Chiliastic Millennarial political movements such as the Freikorp, the Alt Kampher SA and then channeled into the SS.

      Any way, heres that pesky hard to find Hagal rune of good king Heinrich
      Attached Files


        I have always thought that Hagall was the symbol of life in general, I mean everything about life, so life and death; I have always liked to think that if you put Leben and Toten runes togheter one on the top of the other you have Hagall.

        by the way , isn't the ambulance symbol the Hagall rune? I wonder why.
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by Robin Lumsden View Post

          "I want to walk where Heinrich walked......................."
          I WANT those flameholders on my frontdoor's sides!
          Those Sig-runes just hypnotize me.


            By the way: examine the pics Robin attached and find out that the electric light (in the old iron lamps that are visable) is off and only the fire of real flames is in use for this SS-ceremony.


              Originally posted by Thorsten B. View Post
              By the way: examine the pics Robin attached and find out that the electric light (in the old iron lamps that are visable) is off and only the fire of real flames is in use for this SS-ceremony.
              "those were days", man.....


                Thanks to all of you who contributed to this thread

                There're couple of interesting connections we've noticed:

                Flower of Life - Hagal runen (as seed/in "star" form) - so-called Lak pose (related to labrys) = one of the Fuehrer's poses - one of the main Pharaoh's poses (as Osiris) and pose of Osiris himself - one of the Buddha's poses* - one of the images attributed to Baphomet (with the same hands position; Baphomet as the Mistress of the Earth, NOT Levi's distortion) - possibly Vitruvian Man** (X component; while cross component alludes to Sun) - element of the G.H. in Freemasonry

                * img#6 here: http://www.kheper.net/topics/Buddhism/ritual.html
                ** da Vinci knew, studied and has drawn so-called "Seed of Life" structure

                The same correspondences: Seed of Life (aka "prototype-matrix"); symbol of power and of High Priest; symbol of sexual union (quote from above link: "...Sometimes the hands are held with the wrists crossed over each other, against the chest. This represents the union of the male and female principles..."); enlightment; sacrifice

                We were also wondering if Path of The Flaming Sword should have a mirror correspondence/part - to be symmetrical* in a Tree model similar to that of Frater Achad (see his "Anatomy of The Body of God") were sephiras lying on the same *level* in 3d are becoming united with another sephiras of the same *level* (i.e. Binah is Chokmah and Chokmah is Binah and there are 3 of them "simultaneously") and if that viewed in 2d is close enough to double serpents entwining the rod/central axis of Tree (or Tree representation itself),

                * in 3d that would form a spiral/helix which also alludes to a Cosmic Wheel


                which reduced to principal component would look like Hagal runen


                and possibly close enough to vajra


                when central part/Gankyil = Three/Trinity in One is removed)


                and of course a Septenary Tree (Tree of Wyrd)

                * | *
                * | *

                having 7 planets/spheres which was most probably derived from what is currently known as a Star of David/Shield of David (itself much older symbol; not Hebrew originally) - again relation to Flower of Life
                and Tree of Wyrd having 7 spheres is linked to number 7 the Hagal is associated with

                and if that is also attributed to simultaneous Life/Death aspect of both vajra protecting and taking life, states of the Seed of Life (unmanifested as *proto-matrix* and manifested as Kosmos/Multiverse = E (Universe<i>), labrys/axe of Zeus "...giving and taking the life...", ritual sacrifice with decapitation/fertility rite of Thrace (and possibly Crete) conducted by Baphomet = Mistress of Earth and Life/Death symbols of Norse runen

                Life (Man - Wiligut; Elhaz - Elder Futhark; Madhr - Younger Futhark)



                Death (Yr - Wiligut and Younger Futhark)


                and Life-Death union of

                Wendehorn runen = Man+Yr (von List)
                Wend-horn runen = Man+Yr (Wiligut)


                "...combination of "male Man" and "female Yr", symbolizing a hierosgamos..." - again (sacred/alchemical) marriage/union of primal (god-like) male + female principles

                If we look at Hagal as *seed*


                we see 3 *states* (2 x pseudo-dual + 1 as Unity) as three columns (Freemasonry) or pillars (Kabbalah), only that they are intersected in Hagal, while here they are drawn standing seemingly separately

                I I.......I I.......I I
                I I.......I I.......I I
                I I.......I I.......I I
                I I.......I I.......I I


                .../|\ .........LEFT - Pillar of Severity
                .*---*........CENTRAL - Pillar of Mildness
                .|..|..|........RIGHT - Pillar of Mercy
                ..\ /

                remember that left and right pillars are integrated and balanced in the central one
                this is also a symbolic representation of thesis/anti-thesis --- synthesis --- anti-thesis/thesis (less pronounced in Kabbalah since it was much distorted and *humanized*; patriarchal Aeon also stripped off female Principle, so JHVH doesn't have a female consort, which effectively was a ground for dualism, blindness and spiritual mess - in Judaism, even in Freemasonry where M. Word alludes only to male Principle)

                On the 13th day being in Bardo state one witnesses his true nature - one of whom symbolically represents Hagal runen and Enlightened One (the color of Buddhist monk and East = Enlightment)

                Labarum contains the same form of Hagal, although here it is unclear whether it originated from Christian symbolism or was it an encoded message left there by initiated ones

                Why do the serpents entwine the rod?
                It isn't about DNA - at the beginning, although we mirror Principles, above as below


                Because as Yin contains Yang, so does Yang contain Yin
                As Vishnu is Sustainer, so also can he assume a form of S(h)iva - Destroyer
                As one gives life, so one takes it
                As one gives birth, so one is consuming own offspring
                As one is born so one dies and is born again
                Two serpents *shapeshift* into each other - and are originating from the same Root**, same source - they are One but being as separate/in separate forms/as opposite but complimentary Principles they do not recognize their true nature
                Only the Enlightened One can *reconcile* them (through him they are *reconciled*), merging them in oneself, becoming one with all eventually
                If he wouldn't be able to - he would be torn apart and re-assembled again in form to learn the lesson until he would understand his own true nature and leave all forms behind

                ** check Sumerian form if in doubt

                This is a hidden and sacred symbolism of Hagal - as our wise ancestors knew it

                Of course, it is a reconstruction, but some of this was shown to us in visions (not discovered by rational approach/analysis) we feel are correct
                Last edited by gunter_sh; 10-21-2009, 04:37 AM.


                  Originally posted by gunter_sh View Post
                  ............ but some of this was shown to us in visions ...........

                  Why am I not surprised.


                    The Hagal runen meanings and related information can be found in the book "Was Heisst Deutsch?" by Herman Wirth (you can download it from here: ( http://www.scribd.com/document_downl...?extension=pdf ) on pp. 18, 24-26, 31-33, 35-37, 43, 54-55, 74-76, 80-83, 91, 94 (page numbers as appear in pdf).

                    Note image on p. 75 similar to a 8-point Dharma Wheel and Egyptian djed.


                    Hagallrune on SS ring

                    re-burial of Heinrich I on 1-2 July 1937 by Himmler

                    re-burial of Heinrich I after the war by German authorities - opening

                    re-burial of Heinrich I after the war by German authorities - remnants

                    re-burial of Heinrich I after the war by German authorities - crashed lid of sarcophagus

                    explanations of meanings of the runes signed by Willigut (from Ahnenerbe archive)

                    explanations of meanings of the runes signed by Willigut (from Ahnenerbe archive)

                    SS mother brooch {from germaniainternational.com}

                    SS mother brooch (description) {from germaniainternational.com}

                    Hagal {from germaniainternational.com}

                    Hagal {from germaniainternational.com}

                    Superb Ahnenerbe Bowl (Item AHN 2-4) {from germaniainternational.com}

                    Symbol of the SS-Ahnenerbe {from Wikimedia}

                    I feel there is a Hagal (Source/God/Cycle) in the symbol of the SS-Ahnenerbe itself, as well as Yr runen (Death/Transformation) and Egyptian ankh (Birth/Life/Man) - all superimposed and stylized in such a way that profane would not understand a meaning behind a sword ribbon entwined. The comment on Egyptian ankh as Leben symbol is in Wirth's book on page 43 in pdf (page 45 of book).
                    Last edited by gunter_sh; 11-08-2009, 05:33 AM.


                      Why Heinrich I was re-buried after the war??


                        erase all associations of the SS

                        Probably to get rid of the obvious associations with Himmler. Quedlinburg itself had a serious "face-lift" of renovation of its architechtural nsdap and SS renovations, and embellishments.
                        The winners always rewrite the history books...and architechture can be read as ideological history.


                          Waffen-SS divisions that used Hagal in their insignia:

                          6th SS Mountain Division Nord {source: Wikimedia}

                          35th SS and Police Grenadier Division {source: Wikimedia}

                          note: this is very interesting insignia. we have Hagal and two Isa runes here. not the sequence we were discussing before (Isa -> Hagal -> Isa), here it is Hagal -> ISA, and Isa is doubled as Sig runen (probably to *reinforce* its power / to accent on its meaning).
                          the meaning for such sequence would probably be: Existence -> Total Annihilation .
                          we are wondering who was a designer of this particular insignia since his identity may be an answer itself - if he was an occultist then it is very likely our approach/explanation is correct; if he wasn't .. well, then may be we overcomplicate things here
                          still very curious sequence

                          anybody would be able to answer who was a designer of this insignia?

                          * * *

                          Hagal as a part of Totenkopfring (SS-Ehrenring)

                          A Hagal rune (framed by a hexagon) which represents the faith and camaraderie that was idealised by the leaders of the organisation.

                          The esoteric meaning of the Hagal rune according to Guido von List: "Enclose the universe in you and you control the universe".
                          Last edited by gunter_sh; 11-12-2009, 11:17 PM.


                            a care as to images for the cognoscenti

                            Originally posted by gunter_sh View Post
                            * * *

                            The esoteric meaning of the Hagal rune according to Guido von List: "Enclose the universe in you and you control the universe".

                            Yes, Listian ideas are valid in the making(and understanding) of SS ideas, and describes the all encompassing aspect of Hagal that was , I think, partly my original point in ever starting this thread.

                            but , as I already privatly wrote to you, some of the images-and sources- you have been posting are from less than credible sources,

                            originally I took great pains to be very careful with what and how I presented as evidence anything to support my ideas.

                            It is less persuasive when, to augment your ideas by showing some images that are very suspect items from sites not known for the highest level of scrupulous honesty, you dilute your own ideas.
                            It is somthing that does matter on this WAF website, and WAF members (with knowledge and wisdom) will take notice of such things and then disregard the post, not deigning to answer.--And this, in my opinion is the worst possible scenario.


                              to augment your ideas by showing some images that are very suspect items from sites not known for the highest level of scrupulous honesty, you dilute your own ideas
                              I simply reference the source(s)
                              It doesn't mean I haven't cross-checked those images with other sites; simply found the image resolution better on former ones


                              As for the thread we are discussing:

                              the references to the meaning of Hagal are contained in Gorsleben's "Hoch Zeit der Menschheit" (available here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/17656850/G...der-Menschheit as small .pdf or here http://nsl-archiv.com/Buecher/ if you search for "Gorsleben" as 520 Mb scanned high-res pdf) on pp. 147,177,237,242,245,265-282,298,300,303-304,308,322-335,342,353,405,412,420,425,448,460,463,490,510,51 2,515,525-613,620,647,653-655,662,666-676 (page numbers as appear in pdf from Scribd - 1st link).


                                Very old thread but despite that I'll post this in the hope that it might be of use to someone.

                                In my opinion, it is only important to know how the SS saw the Hagal rune - not how it was viewed by anyone else pre or post-war. From the horse's mouth i.e. the SS publication Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres und Lebenslauf der SS-Familie Völkischer Verlag, 1940, here is how the SS saw these runes beginning with the SS TK ring:

                                The SS Officer Corps wear the Sig Rune, Gibor Rune, Tyr Rune, Fa Rune, and Hagall Rune on their Totenkopf-Death's Head Rings. The Man Rune and Yr Rune are used as signs for birth and death on announcements, obituaries, and on headstones. The Ing Rune and Odal Rune are signs for the blood (weddings) and the ground (sign on family estates and farms).


                                ”I award you the Death's Head Ring of the SS. It is intended to be:

                                A symbol of our loyalty to The Leader, of our unwavering obedience to our superiors, and our unshakeable sense of bonding and comradeship.
                                The Death's Head is the reminder to always be ready to risk one's own life for the life of the whole. The Runes across from the Death's Head are holy symbols of our past, to which we are once again connected through the philosophy of National Socialism.
                                Both of the Sig Runes represent the name of our Schutzstaffel -- Protective Echelon. The Swastika and Hagall Rune are intended to keep our unshakeable belief in the victory of our philosophy in front of our eyes.
                                The Ring is encircled by oak leaves, the leaves of the old German tree.
                                This Ring may not be acquired through purchase, and it may never be allowed to fall into unauthorised hands.
                                This Ring is to be returned to the Reich Leader Of The SS upon your discharge from the SS or upon your death.
                                The making of imitations and copies are punishable offences. It is your duty to prevent their occurrence.
                                Wear this ring with honour!”

                                The meaning of the Hagall rune to the SS is also given in a section concerning the application of runes to home-baked cakes and biscuits:

                                Hagall Rune: means The All Surrounding. Hagal
                                (Germanic) literally means I destroy. Through the
                                destruction of the enemy overall peace is achieved.

                                That same section gives the SS meanings for other runes:

                                Sig Rune: means victorious Sun and promises the
                                winning strength. The two Sig Runes on the flag of the
                                SS express the old saying of Sig und Sal, which is the
                                redemption which lies in the victory of the Sun.

                                Gibor Rune: is made up from the Sig Rune and the Is
                                (ice) Rune, and is therefore a combined Rune. The Is
                                Rune is the North-South line of the year and
                                symbolises the life, or, in human terms, the
                                personality. The Gibor Rune therefore stands for the
                                winning strength of the personality.

                                Tyr Rune: symbolises the Germanic God Of War, Tyr
                                (= Ziu = Zeus), and its meaning is self sacrifice for the
                                sake of one's honour.
                                Fa Rune or Fe Rune: Fe is to be found in the Germanic
                                word Feod = farm animals. It symbolises all movable
                                farming goods, livestock, riches. The Fa Rune and Tyr
                                Rune together mean self sacrifice until death, despite
                                material, worldly goods.

                                Man Rune: Its lifted arms show the birth of a living

                                Yr Rune: Its arms pointing downwards indicate the
                                death of a creature. The Man Rune and Yr Rune are
                                taken from the spokes of the Year Wheel.

                                Ing Rune: Ing means to be born, to stem from, and has
                                its use in today's German language as a suffix to
                                hundreds of words. The Rune shows two life carriers
                                linked up and is therefore used at weddings.

                                Odal Rune: Odal or Alod is the Germanic word for
                                inheritance and kinship. This is also its meaning. It
                                stands for everything that we connect with the
                                Homeland, the family estate, the family farm, the soil,
                                and so on.


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