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Plethora of e-stand SS tunics

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    Plethora of e-stand SS tunics

    There are a bunch of "untouched, mint" SS tunics for sale on the e-stand -- all for under $10K.


    Even a Panzer wrapper for $6500.


    Any comments on any of these? Are they going to be snapped up ASAP?

    CurtD two of them have been commented on in this very forum, I used to own two of them, and they drew mixed opinions. Are you planning to buy one?


      Originally posted by CurtD View Post
      There are a bunch of "untouched, mint" SS tunics for sale on the e-stand -- all for under $10K.


      Even a Panzer wrapper for $6500.


      Any comments on any of these? Are they going to be snapped up ASAP?
      I think all of these SS tunics have been discussed in the past. Its able to search for the threads. The Weissenbock tunic was discussed about a year ago and the other two more recently. None of them are completely untouched IMHO, or have some other question marks, but you better make up your own mind about them after reading the threads.

      "Felix" - N. Hansson


        The PZ wrap is actually now $5500. I am not very keen on it for a few reasons, but if it is (or was) an original that would be a very good price......probably about $1000 to $2000 below dealer retail for one of these late ones....which are the most common and inexpensive in my experience.

        The SS tunics are often a hard call. I will say that I have always felt that the Weissenbock tunic was the real deal and a great tunic. I think (but am not sure) that there was questions raised about the German Cross being post war added and I certainly don't know about that, but the tunic is in my belief orginal W-SS as it sits (DK possibly excepted).

        The other two SS tunics I would not venture any statements about without really looking at them in person.
        Last edited by phild; 06-04-2008, 08:52 PM.


          With respect to the SS tunic with the German cross on it, in one of the other threads someone stated that it was a possibility that Ulric Woodhams had some documents that could possibly tie the fellow to the German cross in gold, perhaps even the actual award doc. Was anyone able to find out anything about these documents?


            Originally posted by John Pic View Post
            CurtD two of them have been commented on in this very forum, I used to own two of them, and they drew mixed opinions. Are you planning to buy one?
            I'm afraid I have neither the knowledge of the money to invest in a tunic right now. I am more curious as to why a mint, untouched SS tunic or panzer wrapper, which would sell for >$20K on a dealer's site are all sitting in the e-stand for <$8K.

            That's a fully loaded, mint panzer wrapper for 3550 euros.

            And I believe there still is a black SS tunic on the e-stand for $5500. Again, that's 3550 euros. The Collector's Guild sells these for $18K easily. So how come no one is buying it and sending it to The Collector's Guild for a quick 250% profit?

            Either a lot of people are passing up on some incredible bargains, or there is a lot of doubt on these tunics.


              comes back to like you say curt spear cash!! i see this with a lot of thinks the guys with all the cars and harleys but at the end of the day they do not have the real love and passion about them . just a thought


                I dont see any on dealer sites for $20,000 there is one named on Martins sight that appears 100% real for around $12,000 not a combat officer but still SS. IMO a combat worn tunic might command such a price but it depends on the unit and the style and other factors. The Wiessenbock tunic is an unusual cut for an SS tunic but in hand is awesome and displays all the signs of being the real deal the tabs are super with beveled runes beautifully embroidered and it can be seen that they were sewn to the collar when the collar was constructed. The Eagle had once been removed and resewn probably post war but its a textbook original.Everything else IMO was period sewn on..there is the question of the DKG, maybe or maybe not, my opinion is that he was authorized this by Gruppenfuhrer August Heissmeyer for whom he was an adjutant at one time before serving as an instructor at a Napola school in Vienna. He was probably given this authorization on paper right before the war ended and never received a formal award..there are many who were awarded high decorations for which no paper trail exists. It is rumored that Ulrich of England did have the paper work at one time. The Vienna tailor lable coupled with paperwork discovered YEARS after the tunic surfaced showing he actually was living in a town near Vienna IMO seals the authenticity of the actual tunic. Its cut, the resewn eagle, and the DKG question are IMO only slight detractors at the price thats being asked.I wish I never sold it but did and now Im too poor to afford any thing in the hobby for now.I had to sell my last piece just to survive this economy.Here is a nice photo of it on display.
                Attached Files


                  The Infantry officer tunic I bought from Paul Jarvis, I looked it over and over and it displayed little wear. It is a standard gabardine tunic with really nice original collar tabs and beautiful original smooth rayon shoulder boards. I bought it knowing it had once belonged to Simon King a collector and forum member who had consigned it with Paul Jarvis. There are light stains inside that indicated to me it had been cleaned at some time. It has an oddball eagle that some feel is repro however it doesnt glow and it is unlike any repro Ive seen or examined. I owned it for about a year when Andre contacted me and asked me if I was willing to sell. As I told him at the time in hand not very easy to say either way when it was assembled but a super display piece.Here it is when it was on Pauls site.
                  Attached Files


                    Selling high end tunics on a forum estand is like sticking your hand in a pirahna pool with a piece of raw steak in it. I only do it because as you all know I am nuts and a risk taker. I know some of what I post will get attacked and torn down and I will argue with some of the critique vehemently and some I take to heart and do further research.


                      These tunics were also at Bruce Herman Grenadier Militaria, consigned there by Andre. He also bought some from there originally for a lot more. He is selling because he is getting out of the uniform side of the hobby. IMO there are bargains to be had. Jacques



                        Allgemeine-SS tunic that sold for $17, 255. And it wasn't there long. The others on there are just marked "SOLD", but I recall that they were even more expensive. >$20K.

                        Anyone with complete faith in these tunics should be able to put them on a credit card and have it sold on the CG before the bill comes in.


                          Originally posted by John Pic View Post
                          Selling high end tunics on a forum estand is like sticking your hand in a pirahna pool with a piece of raw steak in it.
                          Buying them isn't without risk either. I've ended up with a couple of fakes (not tunics) from the e-stand that no one bothered to comment on.

                          Let me be clear, I am basically in a really foul mood. I am pissed at this hobby, my job, my country, gas prices, the sh!t dollar, and a lot of other things.

                          But when I see an mint Allgemeine tunic sitting there for 3550 euros -- my cynical nature takes over and I start to wonder WTF is going on.


                            Originally posted by CurtD View Post
                            Buying them isn't without risk either. I've ended up with a couple of fakes (not tunics) from the e-stand that no one bothered to comment on.

                            Let me be clear, I am basically in a really foul mood. I am pissed at this hobby, my job, my country, gas prices, the sh!t dollar, and a lot of other things.

                            But when I see an mint Allgemeine tunic sitting there for 3550 euros -- my cynical nature takes over and I start to wonder WTF is going on.

                            Curt - everyone I talk to is in the same mood about the same things (the housing foreclosures is another big one).


                              Im tired of being angry we made the economy what it is by allowing the things we allow..apathy about politics. I constantly hear and see people who talk and act against thier own best interests simply to support an ideology. An old Indian friend named Wallace Black Elk once told me " I watch people they are alot like cows we Indians are more like the Buffalo..you never see a Buffalo lay down on a track in front of a moving train..but a cow does this and doesnt move when the train comes, the Buffalo will distance itself from trouble but the cow will walk right up to it."


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