Yes appear to be a bevo stile, BUT it isnt, the Original regular Bevo stile rank tab are in the back side identical at the SS rune Bevo stile tab.
Of course,is hard to give opinions on rank tabs but IMO this one can be real.Frequently,during the war has been used similar and not exactely matching cloth for the tab set expecially for the BeVo.
Think I told you when I sent the pics that this was not a bevo tab but was made from material that looked something like bevo.
Best regards,
Thank you Bill.
However, you implied it was simular to the BeVo style. Either it is a BeVo Tab, or it isn't; correct?
In this case, I am being told it is similar to a BeVo.
Therefore, my question; is this Tab any good?
Your post to me:
Greetings Michael! I have one that is similar to bevo in that you can definitely see the lines in the cloth. Any interest?
Best regards, Bill
So, does seeing the Lines imply BeVo? I understand it lacks the satin-like framing of the material on the backside where it is attached to the Buckram. However, it does have the same appearance of a BeVo Tab.
Since these are uncommon, is it incorrect to discount the style in question? This is a rhetorical question and I am looking for clarification. I am not looking to start a Bill Clinton debate on how to discover the defifinition of the word "is".
I don't have time to study the weave right now to see if it is a true bevo weave, but the bevo rank tabs that bring the big $$$ have the true bevo black weave and the true white mesh (not fake "bandage" material worked up to look like the real stuff) or buckram etc on the reverse.
Kindest Regards,
ps...at any rate as we know real Bevo tabs of course will be found with assorted backing materials
ok...scanned through thousands of photos and was able to locate a true bevo rank tab, at any rate you can compare your weave to this weave (the black material)...I am not saying that only one weave was used, but this should give somewhat of an idea...I will locate a picture of a repro also....