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I Know You Can Help Me

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    I Know You Can Help Me

    Hello friends,

    I am looking for a few favors. If there is anything that I can do for you please let me know either way.


    I am looking for any original period images of a recipient wearing an Anti-Partisan badge.

    I need some images of a very admirable man. I am looking for any images that you could scrounge up on SS Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff, Himmler's chief of staff. You may even want to check your photos of the Reichsfuhrer, as Wolff is most likely at his side.

    I also need some images from the Kriegsmarine. I am in search of any images of U-124, Kapitänleutnant Georg-Wilhelm Schulz, and/or Kapitänleutnant Johann Mohr.

    I am also looking for any photographs of an officer wearing the Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross with swords. This is by far my favorite award of all time, and I would love to have some extra images for my PRIVATE photo collection. If you may have any, please be kind and send them my way, or we could talk of a business transaction.

    I would like to use an image or two on my site in progress.... with your permission of course. So, if you could please forward me something I would be ever so thankful. Simply take five minutes of your time, search your files and send them my way. If you would prefer, I will credit you for the image.

    PLEASE HELP ME, I am in great need of these favors.

    Please let me know what you can do for me either way - YOU MAY CHOOSE TO E-MAIL ME DIRECTLY AT:

    I look forward to hearing from you~

    Thank you so much my fellow militaria hunters!


    William Kramer

    Please visit my site:

    you might also want to post this request on the photo and documents forum on this site as well if you have not already done so,


      I had a quick check, I have very few pictures of Himmler, but this is one,
      Last edited by Gary Wood; 08-29-2008, 06:38 PM.


        Gentlemen , keep them coming!

        This image does not portray Wolff, but I do appreciate it, and thank your for your consideration. If you have more I would love to see them. Can I ask how you attached the photo? I would like to display the 20 some photos I have of my great Uncle SS Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff. Thanks again.

        William Kramer
        Please visit my site:


          I know it was not wolf but it was a nice picture so thought I would share it anyway :-)

          Once you have paid the $20.00 you can post pictures, also you get access to the association members threads, well worth the $20.00, the funds go to maintain the site.

          In the meantime you can if you want send me the images and I will post them for you, i think you have my e-mail address but here it is again


            Anyone know who the Brigadefuhrer is to Himmlers left?
            Best regards,



              Waechter & Freitag mit Reichsheini

              At right is then-SS-Brigadeführer Dr. jur. Otto Gustav [Freiherr von] Wächter (1901 - 1949)(Note: he dropped the “Freiherr von” title at some point). He was Gouverneur of Distrikt Galizien, 1941 – 44, then became Chef der Militärverwaltung in Italy, on the staff of Karl Wolff. He received the Deutsches Kreuz in Silber as SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei on 17 February 1945. Had a very interesting pre-war, wartime, and postwar career. His SS file from the BDC one of the most detailed / complete I’ve ever seen. If anyone’s interested in further details, let me know.

              At left is SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS und Polizei Fritz Freitag (1894 - 1945), then Kommandeur of 14.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (galizische Nr. 1).

              Occasion of photo- Himmler’s visit to the Galician division of the Waffen-SS, ca. April 1944.

              Best wishes,
              ~ Mike Miller
              Axis Biographical Research


                Leaders of the SS & German Police

                I'd like to take this opportunity to update you all on the progress of my upcoming book.

                Manuscript of Volume I of "Leaders of the SS & German Police" will be ready for the publisher (Roger J. Bender) in about a month. Would have been released many months ago but unfortunately/fortunately I obtained hundreds of pages of additional info. that I had to insert in the original draft.

                Volume I will contain the following:
                All officers in the ranks of Reichsfuhrer-SS, SS-Oberst-Gruppenfuhrer, SS-Obergruppenfuhrer, and SS-Gruppenfuhrer (+ 1 non-SS General der Polizei, SA-Ogruf. m.d.U.d. Gen.d.Pol. Wolf-Heinrich Graf von Helldorf) with names beginning in "A" through "H". A total of 95 detailed biographies presenting all facets of their lives and careers. Approximately 650 pages with several hundred photos.

                A sample biography appears below.

                Thanks for your time, and hope this interruption of the thread isn't too annoying.

                Best wishes,
                ~ Mike Miller
                Axis Biographical Research

                Max Heinrich von Behr
                und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS /
                Major im Generalstab a.D.

                Born: 10 January 1879 in Reddenau / Kreis Preußisch Eylau / Ostpreußen.
                Died: 27 December 1951 in Lindau/Bodensee.

                NSDAP-Nr.: 5 849 115
                (Joined 1 May 1937)
                SS-Nr.: 276 063
                (Joined 30 January 1936)

                Fahnenjunker: 1 March 1898
                Sekondeleutnant: 18 August 1899
                Oberleutnant: 17 September 1909
                Hauptmann i.G.: 22 March 1913
                Major i.G.: 16 September 1917
                SS-Obersturmbannführer: 30 January 1936
                SS-Standartenführer: 20 April 1936
                SS-Oberführer: 20 April 1937
                SS-Brigadeführer: 30 January 1938
                Generalmajor der Waffen-SS: 1 July 1941
                SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS: 30 January 1944

                Attended Volksschule, then a Gymnasium in Königsberg; passed Abitur: 1898.

                Entered service as Fahnenjunker, assigned to Leib-Grenadier-Regiment “König Friedrich Wilhelm III” (1.Brandenburgisches) Nr. 8: 1 March 1898 - 1906.

                Bataillonsadjutant, then Regimentsadjutant of Leib-Grenadier-Regiment “König Friedrich Wilhelm III” (1.Brandenburgisches) Nr. 8: 1906 - 1 April 1911.

                Assigned to the Generalstab des Heeres: 1 April 1911 - 18 October 1913.

                Assigned as 3.Generalstabsoffizier to Generalkommando of III.Armee-Korps: 18 October 1913 - December 1914.

                Assigned as Ia to 80.Reserve-Infanterie-Division: 29 December 1914 - Autumn 1915.

                Assigned as General Staff Officer to 108.Infanterie-Division: Autumn 115 - 28 February 1916.

                Führer of II.Bataillon / Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment 265: 28 February 1916 - 29 March 1916.

                Ia of 105.Infanterie-Division: 9 October 1916 - 1917.

                Assigned to General Staff of the Wirtschaftsstab (Economic Staff) of the Militär-Verwaltung in Rumänien (Military Administration in Romania): 8 February 1917 - 9 November 1917.

                Chef der Generalstab (m.d.W.d.G.), Wirtschaftsstab of the Militär-Verwaltung in Rumänien: 9 November 1917 - 14 March 1919.

                Retired from the Reichswehr as Major im Generalstab: 14 March 1919.

                Salesman and member of the “Ostpreußischen Außenhandelsgesellschaft” (East Prussian Foreign Trade Society): 1920 - 1929 (spent 2 ½ years in Czechoslovakia and the Netherlands as salesman during this period).

                Stabsführer of the NS-Reichskriegerbund: 1933 - 1945 .

                Member of SA Reserve II: 1 November 1933 - 30 January 1936.

                Joined SS, attached to Stab SS-Hauptamt: 30 January 1936 - 20 April 1937.

                Assigned to Stab Reichsführer-SS: 20 April 1937 - 30 January 1938.

                Joined NSDAP: 1 May 1937.

                In Austria: 22 September 1937 - 10 October 1937.

                Member of the Lebensborn Society: (1 December 1937) - .

                Attached to Stab Reichsführer-SS: 30 January 1938 - 8 May 1945.

                SS-Standortkommandant von Wien (SS Garrison commander of Vienna): 1 July 1941 - 1 March 1943 (succeeded Walter Neblich; succeeded by Bruno Goedicke).

                SS-Standortkommandant der Reichshauptstadt Berlin: 1 March 1943 - 8 May 1945. (succeeded Leo von Jena).

                Decorations & Awards:
                ~ Ritterkreuz des Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern (WW I)
                1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
                1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
                Kriegsverdienstkreuz I.Klasse mit Schwertern
                Kriegsverdienstkreuz II.Klasse mit Schwertern
                Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz: 22 December 1917
                Komturkreuz II.Klasse mit Schwertern der Sächsischen Ernestinischen
                Fürstliche Lippe Kreuz V.Klasse
                Mecklenburgische Militär-Verdienst-Kreuz II.Klasse
                Coburg Gotha Ritterkreuz I.Klasse
                Württembergische Ritterkreuz I.Klasse der Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
                Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
                Ehrendegen des RF SS
                Totenkopfring der SS
                SS-Zivilabzeichen Nr. 133 332
                Ehrenwinkel für Altekämpfer
                Julleuchter der SS
                Österreichische Militär-Verdienst-Kreuz III.Klasse mit Kriegsdekoration
                (Austria-Hungary, WW I)
                Österreichische Franz-Josefs-Orden III.Klasse (Austria-Hungary, WW I)
                Österreichische Eisernen Kronen Orden II. and IV.Klasse mit
                Kriegsdekoration (Austria-Hungary, WW I)
                Stern von Georgien (Star of Georgia)
                War Service Order 3rd Class with Crown and Swords (Bulgaria)
                Ottoman Order with Swords 2nd Class (Turkey, WW I)
                Grand Officer’s Cross of the Order of the Crown of Italy
                Knight’s Cross of the Order of “Yoke and Arrows” (Spain)

                * Son of a pastor. His family could trace its ancestry in Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) back to the year 1118.
                * Religion: Protestant until 9 May 1942, then declared himself “gottgläubig”.
                * Married on 26 January 1907 to Margarethe Mahla (born 10 November 1885 in Gablonz/Neiss). One son (SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans von Behr, born 11 December 1907, SS-Nr. 314 062, assigned to SS-Hauptamt as of November 1944) and one daughter (born 30 May 1918 / died 27 October 1936).
                * Foreign language proficiency: French.
                * Height: 5 ft, 6 in. (168 cm).


                  Thank you Mike for the great information!!
                  Best regards,



                    William, I am sure that you have already done a web search, but here is a pretty thorough biography of Karl Wolff with several photos: Karl Wolff

                    Did you know that he had a figure made of him??? Toy Soldier
                    Last edited by Jack Melvin; 08-01-2003, 08:33 PM.


                      Karl Wolff

                      Originally posted by Jack Melvin
                      William, I am sure that you have already done a web search, but here is a pretty thorough biography of Karl Wolff with several photos: Karl Wolff

                      Did you know that he had a figure made of him??? Toy Soldier
                      Wow, isn't that something. I have done my research, but I guess I never came across the toy soldier made of him. Thank you all for your help.

                      William Kramer
                      Please visit my site:


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