mounds of fetid woolens
There was a time when colleague Coleman's treasures were there for the world to admire, but the nice website that contained them went tango ultra, and we are deprived. In lieu of that, however, the seeker of musty old textiles must resort to Sayle F and the contents of his alladin's cave. I think that Johann Anton's piece is also on this site, too. He owns an early and a later uniform. The stuff is also on the GDC, too. Look at both sites. sapere aude.
There was a time when colleague Coleman's treasures were there for the world to admire, but the nice website that contained them went tango ultra, and we are deprived. In lieu of that, however, the seeker of musty old textiles must resort to Sayle F and the contents of his alladin's cave. I think that Johann Anton's piece is also on this site, too. He owns an early and a later uniform. The stuff is also on the GDC, too. Look at both sites. sapere aude.