I've been trying to some what date this picture of my Uncle Hansi, now by looking at his Fliegerbluse he has no pockets on it. So would it be safe to assume that it's issued prior to May 1940? Correct me if I’m wrong, but after May 1940 did they not add lower pockets to the fliegerbluse? Did they continue to issue pocket less fliegerbluse after May 1940? Is there anything else about his uniform that could date it. Any help would be appreciated.
I've been trying to some what date this picture of my Uncle Hansi, now by looking at his Fliegerbluse he has no pockets on it. So would it be safe to assume that it's issued prior to May 1940? Correct me if I’m wrong, but after May 1940 did they not add lower pockets to the fliegerbluse? Did they continue to issue pocket less fliegerbluse after May 1940? Is there anything else about his uniform that could date it. Any help would be appreciated.