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MG151/20 Ammo

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    MG151/20 Ammo

    Can anyone recommend a good book or website on the rounds used by this cannon. I wish to put together a length of rounds that would have been used with the MG151/20 Drilling.

    Need to know what proportion was AP and HE and their order in the belt, i.e., was it one AP then one HE or one and two or two and one.

    I have searched the internet, but can not seem to find what I am looking for.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    For example german magazine

    "Waffen-Revue" No.28 and 29 (Flugabwehr-MG 151/20 Drilling Teil 1+2)

    "Waffen-Revue" No.10 ( Maschinengewehr 151 und 151/20 + ammunition)
    Luftwaffe manual L.Dv.4000/10 (Munitionsvorschrift für Fliegerbordwaffen)
    Handbuch Für Flugzeug Bordmunition 1936-1945

    I do not know what was the ratio of AP and HE and their order in the belt of MG151/20 Drilling.

    For fighter aircrafts is here :


      I'm more into planes and there were some regulations about filling a 151/20 belt, depending on what they were shooting at.. enemy planes, ships and vehicles, buildings etc..
      Incendiary was mainly used for targets on the ground.

      However, many pics are showing belts just put together by experience or by supply.

      API, APHE, HE, HEI-T .. I don't think they used incendiary on armored vehicles for example. It's all about the effect you'd like to create, so combinations were experimental.

      I would simply go for AP ammo and HE ( Spreng and/or Minen )
      Think that most combinations are OK.
      At the end of the war they used anything they could get, even practice rounds ( Uebung ) were used. Also have seen belts only with HE.
      Combinations like 1 AP, 2 HE etc.. 2 AP, 2 HE, etc.. 1AP, 1HE, 1incendiary, etc.. are found, but also 5AP, 2HE etc ..

      You can't go wrong that easy IMO.



        During my writing Klarkon posted some stuff, that's the kind of regulations they had..

        A different year shows changes though, I bet changed by experience or supply, who knows ?

        Era pics are showing other combinations sometimes, so, I hope your choice will be easier with this info you now have, in my opinion it covers most of it.



          Picture of some ammunition


            Thank you very much Klarkon and Jos L C for the information. You have both covered what I am looking for and it will be a great help in deciding the make up of the belt.

            Klarkon - I am unable to see the pictures you have posted. Whenever you post pictures I can never see them.

            I now able to see the pictures, perhaps they take awhile to down load.
            Last edited by Ketten09; 01-21-2020, 06:06 AM. Reason: Update


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