I was able to aquire an estate of an merchant navy technical officers.
He served some time in the KM, dismissed in 1943 and than on the liner "CAP ARKONA" which was used as a support ship of the KM in Gotenhafen.
The Cap Arkona was sunk by allied bomb raids with unfortunately several thousands inmates of the KZ Neuengamme on board in the Luebeck bay.
Approx. 4500 souls were lost in this tragedy (notably the SS guards, sailors etc. were rescued !)
This story is not very commonly known in Germany (in contradiction to the tragedy of the Wilhelm Gustloff) even it would deserve the same (if not more) attention.
If you are interested in the story:
a good start to read.
This officer served until 20th April 45 on the Arkona. At this date he was dismissed same as most all of the crew before the SS loaded the ship with the inmates.
It is very much common sense by historians that it was planned by the SS to sink the ship.
In the estate are a lot of documents, diaries, photos etc which is was not yet able to sort and read.
If I find something of much more interest, I will post it.
I was able to aquire an estate of an merchant navy technical officers.
He served some time in the KM, dismissed in 1943 and than on the liner "CAP ARKONA" which was used as a support ship of the KM in Gotenhafen.
The Cap Arkona was sunk by allied bomb raids with unfortunately several thousands inmates of the KZ Neuengamme on board in the Luebeck bay.
Approx. 4500 souls were lost in this tragedy (notably the SS guards, sailors etc. were rescued !)
This story is not very commonly known in Germany (in contradiction to the tragedy of the Wilhelm Gustloff) even it would deserve the same (if not more) attention.
If you are interested in the story:
a good start to read.
This officer served until 20th April 45 on the Arkona. At this date he was dismissed same as most all of the crew before the SS loaded the ship with the inmates.
It is very much common sense by historians that it was planned by the SS to sink the ship.
In the estate are a lot of documents, diaries, photos etc which is was not yet able to sort and read.
If I find something of much more interest, I will post it.