Unfortunately I added! Frankly I don't know if the 90 ^ had coastal artillery ... Can anyone tell me?
Hello Partisian,
they were not part of the 90th Light division. However, what is not widely known is the Coastal Artillery Batteries that were part of the DAK and were entitled to wear the "Afrikakorps" cufftitle. These DAK coastal artillery units were based on the Italian coast but were sent to and served in Afrika as needed reinforcements when required;
Organization of the Afrika Korps army & support units
31 July 1941 & 6 February 1942
523rd Coastal Artillery Battalion (7 155mm French howitzers)
528th Coastal Artillery Battalion (7 155mm French howitzers)
533rd Coastal Artillery Battalion (12 155mm French howitzers)
In fact, they were reclassified by late 1942/ early 1943 as "1st Afrika Artillery Regiment" and "2nd Afrika Artillery Regiment" but there background and personal came from coastal artillery personal,
Im new around here.
At first I must say WOW
In the internet and also in many museums I have never see so much informations and pictures about the fieldgrey troops of the Kriegsmarine.
At the moment I built an Uniform of an Maschinenobermaat(MachineObermaat in english?) of Marineinfantery(Navyinfantery). I will take every as original but tunic, pants and boots must be reproduction, because I will use it for display.
Now my problem. The tunics of Kriegsmarine are very different from the normal infantery, many pictures I have found and I can use for dressmaker but I havent found pictures from the back of tunics. Maybe someone can post back view of tunics?
One of the most difficult detail are the hooks for belt. On any picture I have seen, on the front are NO hooks. But on one picture are on the back two hooks for belt.
I hope someone can help me with details
best regards from Germany
PS: I know my english are not the best but I hope you can understand it
Here are my coastal artillery uniforms. Tunic with War Merit Cross, and I believe a French style eagle? The greatcoat is unusual in that it has a Narvik Shield on the arm. I am seeking a KM helmet to go with the greatcoat - it would look good as a sentry I feel (so KM ammo pouches, maybe some woollen gloves, and a stick grenade too). Hope they are of interest. Any thoughts appreciated...