I just wanted to share this helmet with the forum and get some opinions as to its value.
Helmet Background: This helmet was "liberated" by my uncle sometime between March - April 1945 in Western Germany. His unit (the 5th ESB) was setting up a supply point in an abdoned factory when they came under fire. After a short battle his unit went to survey the damage and my uncle took the helmet off of a set of remains. The helmet was taken back to the US where it sat in his garage until his death a few years ago when I claimed it.
Helmet Specifics: Helmet is a WWI vintage with a WWII liner in it. Helmet has Whermact Eagles on both sides (not applied very well). I do know the eagles were on the helmet when it was captured. I replaced the chinstrap on the helmet because the old one had fallen off. My uncle also spilled a little bit of paint on the helmet as well as a little bit of some kind of substance on the liner.
Helmet Background: This helmet was "liberated" by my uncle sometime between March - April 1945 in Western Germany. His unit (the 5th ESB) was setting up a supply point in an abdoned factory when they came under fire. After a short battle his unit went to survey the damage and my uncle took the helmet off of a set of remains. The helmet was taken back to the US where it sat in his garage until his death a few years ago when I claimed it.
Helmet Specifics: Helmet is a WWI vintage with a WWII liner in it. Helmet has Whermact Eagles on both sides (not applied very well). I do know the eagles were on the helmet when it was captured. I replaced the chinstrap on the helmet because the old one had fallen off. My uncle also spilled a little bit of paint on the helmet as well as a little bit of some kind of substance on the liner.