Can you use that Matrikelportal too look up all German doctors?
That could turn in very handy for one or two of my research projects.
Unfortunately not. The Matrikelportal of Rostock is for free so i could research Preusser's immatrikulation informations easily. I once had a key for all of them more than 10 years ago as a Student but actually not.
"Unfortunately not. The Matrikelportal of Rostock is for free so i could research Preusser's immatrikulation informations easily. I once had a key for all of them more than 10 years ago as a Student but actually not."
Thanks for the info. So for starters you have to know what university the man studied at if I understand correctly. There is no central database.
"Unfortunately not. The Matrikelportal of Rostock is for free so i could research Preusser's immatrikulation informations easily. I once had a key for all of them more than 10 years ago as a Student but actually not."
Thanks for the info. So for starters you have to know what university the man studied at if I understand correctly. There is no central database.
Exactly. Fortunately i got the information from his daughter who is a MD too.