I have owned this helmet for over 10-15 yrs. I came from a 42nd division vet. How does it look? I believe it is a M1918 reworded 43-44 for ww2. the suspension is marked B&C Litzmannstadt 1943. In my old notes it indicates that the helmet is marked EF (orT?) 64-WW2 Re-stamp??. I looked through the old pictures and could not find one of the marking. The suspension is hard to photograph..
Thanks for looking...
I have owned this helmet for over 10-15 yrs. I came from a 42nd division vet. How does it look? I believe it is a M1918 reworded 43-44 for ww2. the suspension is marked B&C Litzmannstadt 1943. In my old notes it indicates that the helmet is marked EF (orT?) 64-WW2 Re-stamp??. I looked through the old pictures and could not find one of the marking. The suspension is hard to photograph..
Thanks for looking...