10 years ago I paid $1,450.00 for this helmet. Many were critical for paying so much for the thing, as if I was paying ransom to terrorists. Yeah, well, at this time, even with the downed economy, I think the market has caught up to the thing.One of my little collector sayings goes, "You'll never create a world-class collection by bargain hunting."
Anyway, here is a Heer M-40sd Q64 decorator for the war-room. Alloy IN140, RFN #'d chinstrap, can't recall the linerband date. He's not perfect though he'll do for the Army side of the collection.
Thanks for looking,
Anyway, here is a Heer M-40sd Q64 decorator for the war-room. Alloy IN140, RFN #'d chinstrap, can't recall the linerband date. He's not perfect though he'll do for the Army side of the collection.
Thanks for looking,