This helmet just arrived on my door step as you can see its a tired old thing in need of some TLC,with a bit of work it could be bought back.
Its an N.S. 64 reissue (with a complete liner and dry chin strap),by the looks of it with a white paint over the top someone has picked the vast majority of it off...I think its post war applied house paint myself but i'll let you consider what it is.....will be heading for the Estand any idea on price as it needs to go quick
heres the pics
All comments would be appreciated
Its an N.S. 64 reissue (with a complete liner and dry chin strap),by the looks of it with a white paint over the top someone has picked the vast majority of it off...I think its post war applied house paint myself but i'll let you consider what it is.....will be heading for the Estand any idea on price as it needs to go quick
heres the pics
All comments would be appreciated