I am generally not into salty helmets, but could not resist this one when it came up on auction in Norway recently. From the same source as my DD KM chickenwire helmet. This person digs helmets out of the woodwork, and has been very successful, particularly around the Bergen area. The story behind this one is that he bought it from an old man who lived in a house adjacent to a Heer coastal battery on an island northwest of Bergen (HKB 33/ 977 Rossland on Holsnøy, Artilliegruppe Hjeltefjord).
For those that have Google Earth, you can zoom in on this installation through this web site:
Rossland HKB map.jpg
Heer coastal M40 2.jpg
For those that have Google Earth, you can zoom in on this installation through this web site:
Rossland HKB map.jpg
Heer coastal M40 2.jpg