I have just made a research on my new DD WH helmet bought from the e-stand!!
I want to share with you my findings, and listen to your opinions too....
That's the story:
The helmet is an M35 DD WH, I started my research from the writings in the liner:
it's named in the leather to:
a fisrt name that the seller reads as "Willy", but that I am not sure to read in this way because iyt appears a little more larger (like "Ludwig"), it ends with a "y" or "g", and "Schubert feldpost number 13426 B.A.B."
The second thing was to research the feldpost number, and I was told that it means:
FROM 1944 OT-Oberbauleitung Mitte-Lorient und SS-Verbands-Führer Einsatz Atlantikküste in Vannes
Then I looked for "Vannes" and "Lorient", and I discovered they were two small towns near St. Nazaire, and that the Germans surrendered there on 9 May 1945!!!
Then I went to the Volksbund archive looking for a Schubert died after 1943...and MAGICIANeek:
There is only 1 Schubert that matches with all this puzzle "pieces":
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="94%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%"><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Nachname:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Schubert </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Vorname:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Willy </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Dienstgrad:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Obergefreiter </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Geburtsdatum:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">11.07.1903 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Geburtsort:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Dittelsdorf </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Todes-/Vermisstendatum:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">26.06.1945 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Todesort:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Lorient </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD>He died in Lorient, the same city of the feldpost number, in the very late war, he was born on 1903, o he should have an early M35 helmet, and he is buried in the only German war cemetery in the area: Pornichet!!
The only doubt now is about the first name "Willy"...What do you think about it??
Does it sound all correct, or not????
That's all
</TD><TD width="100%">!
I have just made a research on my new DD WH helmet bought from the e-stand!!
I want to share with you my findings, and listen to your opinions too....
That's the story:
The helmet is an M35 DD WH, I started my research from the writings in the liner:
it's named in the leather to:
a fisrt name that the seller reads as "Willy", but that I am not sure to read in this way because iyt appears a little more larger (like "Ludwig"), it ends with a "y" or "g", and "Schubert feldpost number 13426 B.A.B."
The second thing was to research the feldpost number, and I was told that it means:
FROM 1944 OT-Oberbauleitung Mitte-Lorient und SS-Verbands-Führer Einsatz Atlantikküste in Vannes
Then I looked for "Vannes" and "Lorient", and I discovered they were two small towns near St. Nazaire, and that the Germans surrendered there on 9 May 1945!!!
Then I went to the Volksbund archive looking for a Schubert died after 1943...and MAGICIANeek:
There is only 1 Schubert that matches with all this puzzle "pieces":
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="94%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%"><TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Nachname:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Schubert </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Vorname:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Willy </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Dienstgrad:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Obergefreiter </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Geburtsdatum:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">11.07.1903 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Geburtsort:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Dittelsdorf </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Todes-/Vermisstendatum:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">26.06.1945 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=headtabelle width="36%">Todesort:</TD><TD class=bodytabelle width="64%">Lorient </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD>He died in Lorient, the same city of the feldpost number, in the very late war, he was born on 1903, o he should have an early M35 helmet, and he is buried in the only German war cemetery in the area: Pornichet!!
The only doubt now is about the first name "Willy"...What do you think about it??
Does it sound all correct, or not????
That's all
</TD><TD width="100%">!