I am trying to make sense of this helmet, and would appreciate your opinions. It purports to be a WWII double decal Luftwaffe helmet. The wearer's right side flange is marked "62" (no prefix). The rear skirt is marked "30". lists this chinstrap as a known fake. Is this an abnormally marked Luftwaffe M40 upon which someone stuck an extra decal, or, is it a postwar BGS, or, something else entirely. Thanks in advance,
I am trying to make sense of this helmet, and would appreciate your opinions. It purports to be a WWII double decal Luftwaffe helmet. The wearer's right side flange is marked "62" (no prefix). The rear skirt is marked "30". lists this chinstrap as a known fake. Is this an abnormally marked Luftwaffe M40 upon which someone stuck an extra decal, or, is it a postwar BGS, or, something else entirely. Thanks in advance,