I want to buy this helmet. It isn't in the best condition, but I do like its looks. These days even the worst decals are replica, so I just like to be sure that it is indeed original. Can someone confirm that?
The chinstrap seems to be a replacement, although it does look to have been done a long time ago. (I'll post better images of that one) The leather seems to have some repairs or just has been made like this due to material shortages.
I want to buy this helmet. It isn't in the best condition, but I do like its looks. These days even the worst decals are replica, so I just like to be sure that it is indeed original. Can someone confirm that?
The chinstrap seems to be a replacement, although it does look to have been done a long time ago. (I'll post better images of that one) The leather seems to have some repairs or just has been made like this due to material shortages.