I love this helmet...
At first, she was considered a camo helmet. XRFacts debunked that. Nobody wanted her.
Then she was a combat helmet from a very old collection with unknown markings--most certainly period. Nobody wanted her.
Lastly, she was worn by a fearless soldier on the front lines near the explosion of a german vehicle. The black streaks were deemed buring oil that showered down on the soldier who continued to fight on. That's when I stepped in and gave her a new home.
What the black streaks are, we'll never now. I guess I could take a sample of the stuff down to Stanford and see what they come up with...probably bat urin.
Anyways, enjoy. By the way, it's signed six times (I think I'll start a thread on that).
At first, she was considered a camo helmet. XRFacts debunked that. Nobody wanted her.
Then she was a combat helmet from a very old collection with unknown markings--most certainly period. Nobody wanted her.
Lastly, she was worn by a fearless soldier on the front lines near the explosion of a german vehicle. The black streaks were deemed buring oil that showered down on the soldier who continued to fight on. That's when I stepped in and gave her a new home.
What the black streaks are, we'll never now. I guess I could take a sample of the stuff down to Stanford and see what they come up with...probably bat urin.
Anyways, enjoy. By the way, it's signed six times (I think I'll start a thread on that).