this helmet has just been offered to me by a friend so its not mine and i do not really have plans to have it as i do not think the decals are original,but he would like your expert opinions.
first the helmet has seen very little use and is of a piece but the decals are a little suspect?,the helmet has been varnished/or waxed, i feel in a effort to disgise the decals ,what are your oppinions as the decals etc.am i being paranoid,i know old collectors varniseh and waxed helmets,
All the best Merdock
this helmet has just been offered to me by a friend so its not mine and i do not really have plans to have it as i do not think the decals are original,but he would like your expert opinions.
first the helmet has seen very little use and is of a piece but the decals are a little suspect?,the helmet has been varnished/or waxed, i feel in a effort to disgise the decals ,what are your oppinions as the decals etc.am i being paranoid,i know old collectors varniseh and waxed helmets,
All the best Merdock