I bought this helmet years ago because I just wanted something that looked like a German helmet, it was pretty cheap so I guessed it was some sort of fake. Im just a bit unsure as to what it is, it doesnt look fake becuase whoever faked it hasnt made any attempt to make the liner look remotely German. I was told somewhere that it might be a Condor legion helmet???? Anyway just wondering if anyone knows what it might be, or if its just a poor fake?
I bought this helmet years ago because I just wanted something that looked like a German helmet, it was pretty cheap so I guessed it was some sort of fake. Im just a bit unsure as to what it is, it doesnt look fake becuase whoever faked it hasnt made any attempt to make the liner look remotely German. I was told somewhere that it might be a Condor legion helmet???? Anyway just wondering if anyone knows what it might be, or if its just a poor fake?