Helmet collecting is not my field but I would like to show this helmet to see what you make of it. I do not own this helmet any more and it originally came into my possession when I gave a friend of mine a television when he was just setting up home. Anyway, I wouldn't accept any payment for the tv and a few days later my friend, knowing that I collected militaria turned up with helmet as a way of thanks.
The helmet was a nice luminous green when he gave it to me! Not being that bothered I let sit for about a year looking a lovley green! One winters night I thought that I would see what was underneath and this is what I found. Any thoughts or comments wouldeatly appreciated. As I said, I haven't got it any more but it would be interesting to know your thoughts.
Thank you for your time,
Helmet collecting is not my field but I would like to show this helmet to see what you make of it. I do not own this helmet any more and it originally came into my possession when I gave a friend of mine a television when he was just setting up home. Anyway, I wouldn't accept any payment for the tv and a few days later my friend, knowing that I collected militaria turned up with helmet as a way of thanks.
The helmet was a nice luminous green when he gave it to me! Not being that bothered I let sit for about a year looking a lovley green! One winters night I thought that I would see what was underneath and this is what I found. Any thoughts or comments wouldeatly appreciated. As I said, I haven't got it any more but it would be interesting to know your thoughts.
Thank you for your time,