Im thinking of purchasing this helmet. Have not seen it in person, only these photos.
My concern is that there looks to be extra stitching lines on the leather liner. The only examples I can find have only stitching at the rear of the liner. The chin strap bales also have rounded corners as opposed to the square bales seen on most M35 helmets.
Looking for opinions on the originality of the liner.
Thanks for any help!
39398211-1F42-439B-B179-9CDB02443540.jpeg 32EC44EF-E77B-4FD8-8AB4-8D4E8FFE053B.jpeg 0A80A034-62B5-4DB2-8CDB-6DBEB3D02EB3.jpeg 56AE9061-CC95-4872-A523-4AC3B8187ED9.jpeg DE8D7B33-E691-4B37-9B3F-CD30922213A0.jpeg
Im thinking of purchasing this helmet. Have not seen it in person, only these photos.
My concern is that there looks to be extra stitching lines on the leather liner. The only examples I can find have only stitching at the rear of the liner. The chin strap bales also have rounded corners as opposed to the square bales seen on most M35 helmets.
Looking for opinions on the originality of the liner.
Thanks for any help!
39398211-1F42-439B-B179-9CDB02443540.jpeg 32EC44EF-E77B-4FD8-8AB4-8D4E8FFE053B.jpeg 0A80A034-62B5-4DB2-8CDB-6DBEB3D02EB3.jpeg 56AE9061-CC95-4872-A523-4AC3B8187ED9.jpeg DE8D7B33-E691-4B37-9B3F-CD30922213A0.jpeg