I have an issue with one of my helmets. Seems there is a small spot of active rust on the helmet. Now, I've been told that you should generally leave a helmet as it is, but in case of rust, you can use a cloth with some oil and gently press on the spot.
My issue is that it looks like this rust is developing under the decal - it is slowly disapearing. My question is, can I still use oil, or would this harm the decal even more? And what oil should I use? I am reluctant to use something like WD-40, and tend more to the use of a light gun oil.
Thanks for looking into this.
I have an issue with one of my helmets. Seems there is a small spot of active rust on the helmet. Now, I've been told that you should generally leave a helmet as it is, but in case of rust, you can use a cloth with some oil and gently press on the spot.
My issue is that it looks like this rust is developing under the decal - it is slowly disapearing. My question is, can I still use oil, or would this harm the decal even more? And what oil should I use? I am reluctant to use something like WD-40, and tend more to the use of a light gun oil.
Thanks for looking into this.