Hello, I just received an Italian M33 helmet with several detail variations from standard. It has a single-piece loop chinstrap similar to those found on Greek M34/39 helmets purchased from Italy, but simpler design. Rather than vent/rivets, it has fasteners similar to German helmet split pins, but with head size about 4/5 that of the split pins. The fasteners holding the leather liner to the frame have smaller diameter, flat heads unlike standard M33's. The position of the liner as I received it has the seam at the right side and punched size in front center.
Color was originally the standard Italian light grey-green, but inside and out it has been repainted medium grey with a very slight green cast, almost imperceptible. Three rather haphazardly drilled small holes in front center (Spanish?)
Any info or even speculation as to the possible usage of this non-standard M33 would be very welcome.
Color was originally the standard Italian light grey-green, but inside and out it has been repainted medium grey with a very slight green cast, almost imperceptible. Three rather haphazardly drilled small holes in front center (Spanish?)
Any info or even speculation as to the possible usage of this non-standard M33 would be very welcome.