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Oberarzt Tunic - Medal display question

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    Oberarzt Tunic - Medal display question

    A 2 parter...I'd like to say, Thanks to Albert, my favourite person at the moment that I'm the proud owner of my first wehrmacht uniform, don't know what the protocol is for showing off but here it is anyhow.

    My question to all you in the know this arrangement of medals kosher? I had it up an hour ago with an ek2 ribbon in the buttonhole but realised that I already had a ribbon bar with the ek2 there! I have subsituted it with a proper period kvk 2 ribbon but think it may be wrong somehow

    Last edited by bratwurstdimsum; 02-03-2007, 03:42 PM.

    Heavily combat decorated isn't he, for a medical Doctor??
    Infantry assault, EK1 and 2?
    Originally posted by bratwurstdimsum
    A 2 parter...I'd like to say, Thanks to Albert, my favourite person at the moment that I'm the proud owner of my first wehrmacht uniform, don't know what the protocol is for showing off but here it is anyhow.

    My question to all you in the know this arrangement of medals kosher? I had it up an hour ago with an ek2 ribbon in the buttonhole but realised that I already had a ribbon bar with the ek2 there! I have subsituted it with a proper period kvk 2 ribbon but think it may be wrong somehow


      Good point, but not untypical ... undoubtly one of my greatest 'heros', and one whom I'm trying to represent was Dr Heinrich Haape, Assitenzarzt to the 18th Infantry Regiment, 6th Division Army Group Center. In 3 years he won the following awards:

      Infantry Assault
      Tank Destruction badge
      German Cross in Gold

      He got these through having to defend his aid post from continuous attacks by Russians who did not respect the Geneva convention, and for evacuating every one of his live patients, never leaving them to the Russians.

      He fought at Rzhev, singlehandedley treated over 200 patients on his own once.

      Here is a photo of another medic with an infantry assault badge:


        You should replace the EK with a KVK 1st class.
        As the sewn in ribbon is a KVK 2nd class ribbon.

        Frank Scheepers


          Originally posted by Frank Scheepers
          You should replace the EK with a KVK 1st class.
          As the sewn in ribbon is a KVK 2nd class ribbon.

          Frank Scheepers
          hmmm...the KVK2 is just pinned on for this display shall I replace it for a ek2 ribbon then...will I have to change the ribbon bar?


            Originally posted by bratwurstdimsum
            hmmm...the KVK2 is just pinned on for this display shall I replace it for a ek2 ribbon then...will I have to change the ribbon bar?
            Bratwurst, thanks for the great info! Any more details you have of this oberarzt would be greatly appreciated. I do 1/6th models. He would be a great subject!
            The corporal shown wearing the sleeve caduceus- I thought only sergreants wore these? I'm confused. I assume he is a support unit medic and would wear blue waffenfarbe rather than white infantry?

            I am in Reserve Medical Bn USN/USMC so am especially interested in medical stuff!


              Oh Bratwurst, my email


                Last edited by Seigfried; 06-11-2005, 09:24 AM.


                  Originally posted by Paul Walmsley
                  I am in Reserve Medical Bn USN/USMC so am especially interested in medical stuff!
                  Nice to see some facts and figures, I'd always wondered at the award criteria for bravery in different fields...sure its great to get a ritterkreuz for shooting down 10+ planes but how about defending a medical station with an mp40 and looking after hundreds of wounded and taking on t-34s with t-mines?

                  I am going to soon "publish" the out of print book written by Heinrich Haape on a website about his experiences in 1941-1942 at the russian front so there will be plenty of material in a month or two. Meanwhile Paul, I'll have some material about how he won his decorations soon.



                    Heinrich Haape
                    Last edited by bratwurstdimsum; 03-17-2005, 05:50 AM.


                      Ok this is from page 378, from the book "Moscow tram stop" by the good doctor himself:

                      I was awarded the Panzer Nahbekampfungsabzeichen for having
                      put out of action two Russian T.34s in hand-combat. Heinrich had
                      done the damage to the first T.34, which was stuck in a defensive
                      ditch; I hoisted him up by the legs and he dropped a grenade down
                      the monster's gun-barrel Emboldened by our success, a few days
                      later I had put another T-34 out of action with a home-made T-mine
                      and grenades as it was menacing my dressing station.
                      The German Cross in Gold was also pinned on my tunic at this
                      time. The second half of the citation read : " During the defensive
                      battle north of Rzhev, Regimental M.O. Oberarzt Haape was in
                      charge of the dressing station at Polino. In the period 2nd to 21st August
                      1942, under the most primitive conditions, single-handed he attended to five
                      hundred and twenty-one wounded in the face of the heaviest artillery
                      Panzer, and infantry fire. Through intense sustained personal effort and
                      Excellent organisation, he succeeded in attending to every wounded soldier,
                      And in arranging for their evacuation to the rear areas...
                      " During an enemy break-through at Polunino, Dr. Haape, with
                      lightly-wounded men, occupied a trench adjoining the dressing station, de-
                      fended it and materially contributed in the success of the defence. When
                      field telephones and wireless were out of action during the heavy fighting,
                      Dr. Haape volunteered to take important reports on the situation to
                      Regimental H.Q. at the same time that he was evacuating his own wounded.
                      For several days Dr. Haape took over anti-tank defensive measures by
                      laying mines and constructing other obstacles. During a Russian break-
                      through on 18th August, Dr. Haape, as one of the two surviving officers,
                      gathered together isolated remnants of the battalion and effectively organised
                      new defensive positions, which contributed very materially towards sealing
                      off the enemy's break-through to Rzhev."

                      But for me it was a time when the hours, the days, the weeks
                      were steeped in blood, inexpressible horror and suffering. But I
                      found compensation in the act that every wounded man who passed
                      through my hands had been evacuated. Some died of their ghastly
                      wounds; on many of them I had been forced to perform the cruellest
                      field surgery in order to give them a chance of survival; but all had
                      received whatever attention it was possible to give them, and none.
                      had fallen into enemy hands. Losses on our side had been enormous,
                      and because I had somehow lived through it all, I found myself to
                      be, in 1942, one of the most decorated doctors in the Wehrmacht,
                      and was granted special promotion to Stabsarzt with the position of
                      Divisional Medical Adjutant to Oberfeldarzt Grief.


                      Not bad for "just a medical doctor".
                      Last edited by bratwurstdimsum; 03-17-2005, 05:37 AM.


                        Nice tunic! As to awards-the Infantry Assault badge does not fit. I would try a wound badge there. The tunic is set up for a longer ribbon bar also. I would also place a War Merit Cross 1st class(with swords) in place of the I.C. The War Merit Cross ribbon should go also.You can find some very,very nice War Merit Cross 1st class awards on the net that would compliment your tunic nicely.This is just my oppinion but this tunic deserves continuity. Cheers.


                          Originally posted by bratwurstdimsum
                          Nice to see some facts and figures, I'd always wondered at the award criteria for bravery in different fields...sure its great to get a ritterkreuz for shooting down 10+ planes but how about defending a medical station with an mp40 and looking after hundreds of wounded and taking on t-34s with t-mines?
                          Absolutely correct! Here is another doctor who received bravery and combat awards for treating and evacuating the wounded while under constand heavy attack, incl T34s, at Stalingrad:
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Albert; 03-19-2005, 04:09 AM.


                            Originally posted by BILL
                            Nice tunic! As to awards-the Infantry Assault badge does not fit. I would try a wound badge there.
                            Hey Bill, that's great but the Doc I'm trying to portray actually won a Infantry Assault Badge along with his other it the position that is wrong?

                            You're right about the kvk ribbon though.


                              Originally posted by Angel Farré
                              What are the officers ranks in the Heer? I have seen Unterartz/Assistantart = Leutnant
                              Oberartz = Oberleutnant
                              Stabartz = Hauptmann

                              Can you confirm this and complete the list.

                              Thanks a lot.

                              No problem, here are the ranks (with help from "Landser")

                              Medical Ranks and army equivalents
                              General-oberstabsarzt (Head of Medical)
                              Generalstabsarz (Deputy General,Medical)
                              Generalarzt (General)
                              Oberstarzt (Oberst)
                              Oberfeldarzt (Oberstleutnant)
                              Oberstabsarzt (Major)
                              Stabsarzt (Hauptmann)
                              Oberarzt (Oberleutnant)
                              Assistenzarzt (Leutnant)
                              Unterarzt (Cadet-Doctor)

                              As to your request about Career and joining the army, I'll have to dig around a bit more!


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