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Officers tunic out of the woodwork help please

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    Officers tunic out of the woodwork help please

    HI good evening , this tunic came to me today from a picker ,

    my knowledge of german items is basic an ive never owned one of these before can any one see if its any thing other than original ? thanks .
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      looks great

      Looks like a nice find---perfect candidate for a competent restoration...the name may be researched, and you could likely determine branch, awards and history..very cool!
      Last edited by billmunny; 07-05-2012, 01:36 PM.
      "We all have it coming, Kid" ("Unforgiven")


        how hard is it to research a german soldier with just a name ?
        other than researching records are there any clues on the tunic as to what branch of service he was in please ?

        Sorry if these are bone questions just way out of my home town on this tunic .
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          Could I re badge it ? OR LEAVE IT UNTOUCHED ?
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            Based on the tag could possibly also be a Kriegsmarine Coastal Naval officer's tunic even!
            "marine Haus" + anchor logo? but on the otherhand "Armee" = army...So Berlin based supplier to both branches...)
            I guess key is to find the officer's name somewhere to identify unit/branch!
            Either way nice restoration piece!
            Last edited by NickG; 07-05-2012, 02:03 PM.


              In side tunic , 2nd button hole shows where an iron cross or winter war medal ribbon was afixed ,

              under side off collar showing construction.

              is the name ` Walter Lorth ` ?
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              Last edited by grandads-kitbag; 07-05-2012, 02:08 PM.


                Good evening Michael (thanks for the PM )

                Based on these photographs it's a fine original private purchase Army officer's tunic. Based on the loops alone let's speculate ... EKII ribbon means the recipient automatically qualified for the relevant combat (Infantry, General, Antiaircraft or Panzer assault) badge which would go in the lower left loops as we look. The top pair will most likely be an EKI and below that most likely a wound badge of some class.

                Above the pocket is a 3 or 4 place ribbon bar ... EKII, Long Service Medal(s) and possibly one or more of the Anschluss, Sudetenland and Memel 'Flower Wars' medals. Possibly an Ost Medaille ?

                Remember ALL of that is really speculation. You could try the German War Graves commission to see if Herr Loth meet his end serving his country.

                Congratulations on a very nice tunic



                  Originally posted by Ian Hulley View Post
                  EKII ribbon means the recipient automatically qualified for the relevant combat (Infantry, General, Antiaircraft or Panzer assault) badge
                  Just for clarification, it doesn't at all. I have quite a few Soldbuch where the guy did not get a combat/assault badge until after receiving an EK I.

                  I have an Oakleaves winner that never qualified for such a badge at all, however he pretty much had everything else!

                  Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

                  Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


                    I stand corrected Thanks Ian.

                    Cheers, Ian (the other one)


                      I did not find him listed as KIA/MIA on the war graves website and there is no match for the last name in the 1939 ARMY officer list or the 1944 list for Major and above. He probably will be one of the many wartime officers who do not have records or names on file. You may get lucky and find something but these wartime guys are tough to research. The white thread around the shoulder board slits may indicate he was Infantry. It will restore nicely but have someone research the name at NARA and maybe you will get lucky.


                        Very nice named and quality officer tunic. It is named to "Walter Lorth, 1941".
                        It's a pitty you cannot see what kind of rank or unit it come.

                        But it's a perfect restauration object.



                          His name is Walter Lorch


                            Did get a match at volksbund.de.

                            Walter Lorch ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Ysselsteyn (NL).

                            Grablage: Unter den Unbekannten

                            Nachname: Lorch
                            Vorname: Walter
                            Dienstgrad: Unteroffizier
                            Geburtsdatum: 31.10.1908
                            Todes-/Vermisstendatum: 26.09.1944

                            / Daniel


                              The only officer with the surname Lorch listed in the 1939 and 1944 lists is Anton Lorch from Geb.Jäg.Rgt. 138.

                              Photos/images copyright © Ian Jewison collection

                              Collecting interests: Cavalry units, 1 Kavallerie/24 Panzer Division, Stukageschwader 1


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