Hi! Just want to show you some pieces of the PzGren-Offz-grouping were my Stug-Baret came with.
These are only the inisgnia from the man.
Some papers i have shown before and the equipment i will put on the estand.
There was many HDv´s Merkblätter maps and so on. Still some 9mmx19 in the original cardbox.
And he get some presents from his friends. A white-Flieger-Visor with shoulderboard and collartab, for example. And a metal eagle wich i will show later. Hard to discribe for me.
These are only the inisgnia from the man.
Some papers i have shown before and the equipment i will put on the estand.
There was many HDv´s Merkblätter maps and so on. Still some 9mmx19 in the original cardbox.
And he get some presents from his friends. A white-Flieger-Visor with shoulderboard and collartab, for example. And a metal eagle wich i will show later. Hard to discribe for me.