Here are two buttons found on one gebirg windjacke; there was instead of the shoulder straps buttons
diameter: same as standard metal buttons
Steel made with smal bras ring
Ges Gesch v W w
We can see on the top one edelweiss with two gentian flowers
This emblems was edeiweiss for GJD 1 and gentian GJD 4
Why this both ??
I have one hypothesis:
The two GJD fought together in XXXXIX Gebirgs Korps during Caucasian campain in August 1942
During this, 21th august 1942, one mixed kampfgruppe with captain Groth and 16 mens of GJD 1 and Captain Gämmerler with 5 mens of the GJD 4 was selected for climb the Elbruz mount (the Highest of caucasian mountains with 5633 meters)
The german flag with both GJR pennants emblems (Edelweiss and gentian) were fixed on the top.
So perhaps this buttons are commemorative of this feat?????
We can dream.................
Here are two buttons found on one gebirg windjacke; there was instead of the shoulder straps buttons
diameter: same as standard metal buttons
Steel made with smal bras ring
Ges Gesch v W w
We can see on the top one edelweiss with two gentian flowers
This emblems was edeiweiss for GJD 1 and gentian GJD 4
Why this both ??
I have one hypothesis:
The two GJD fought together in XXXXIX Gebirgs Korps during Caucasian campain in August 1942
During this, 21th august 1942, one mixed kampfgruppe with captain Groth and 16 mens of GJD 1 and Captain Gämmerler with 5 mens of the GJD 4 was selected for climb the Elbruz mount (the Highest of caucasian mountains with 5633 meters)
The german flag with both GJR pennants emblems (Edelweiss and gentian) were fixed on the top.
So perhaps this buttons are commemorative of this feat?????
We can dream.................