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SA/SS Pole top

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    SA/SS Pole top


    wish man,
    can show my pictures from original SA/SS Poletop?

    Regards Sebastian

    SS Strumbannfahnenspitze ???

    Originally posted by Ojoneso View Post
    Hello, wish man,
    can show my pictures from original SA/SS Poletop?
    Regards Sebastian
    Hello Ojoneso:
    Are you wanting to show your SA/SS top, or to see an example?
    .............. OLDFLAGSWANTED ...............
    .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...



      i like to see a original example


        Last edited by FrankS; 02-11-2010, 12:48 PM.


          more SA/SS Fahnenspitzen ???

          Originally posted by Ojoneso View Post
          Hello, i like to see a original example
          See via search previous posted WAF threads on this subject, such as...
          ---> http://dev.wehrmacht-awards.com/foru...d.php?t=363224
          .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


            thanks ....


              about finding a SS pole top ???

              Originally posted by Ojoneso View Post
              ...i like to see a original example
              Just saw this cool dug relic example online.
              Must be nice to be able to go out & dig one up.
              ......... ??? ..........
              Valentýnská nadílka

              O Valentýnu jsem si splnil sen najít v jeden den něco po
              Němcích a k tomu nějaký historický stříbrňák. Vyrazil jsem
              do neznámého lesa, který jsem si vytipoval na mapě. Ze
              začátku to nebyla žádná sláva-nikde ani komunistickej
              dvacetník, ale byl jsem rád, že jsem na vzduchu a říkal
              jsem si, že se aspoň projdu. Po necelé hodince to cinklo
              tak, že jsem čekal 1 krejcar 1800, ale ze země na mě místo
              něj vykouknul 20 krejcar 1760 Františka Lotrinského. Byl tam
              sice jen jeden, ale i tak mi udělal velkou radost. Je můj první
              letošní-docela jsem se na něj letos načekal.

              Potom jsem posbíral takovou lesní klasiku-nějaké mince z
              19.století a vzhledem k blížícímu se večeru jsem se začal
              vracet ven z lesa. Po cestě to zas pekelně zacinkalo a hle-
              von to nějakej německej kolík, značenej RZM 60. Prosim
              válkaře o určení k čemu sloužil? Na to jak je malej je celkem
              dost těžkej. V tom lese za války pracovali němečtí vojáci
              neschopní boje. Pak už jsem při úprku z lesa za tmy vyhráb
              jen nějaký kroužek a kousek od něj 4 mince, které byly
              rozhozené na fleku cca 40x40 cm. Cestou domu jsem ještě
              musel vyfotit originálně zaparkovaného favorita. Jeho řidič
              svérázně vyřešil nedostatek parkovacích míst v obci.

              =1&vd=1&PHPSSIDWx=0f93c1c2dba12868cd9aa0573298c04 b

              via google translation...

              Valentine's Day gifts

              The Valentine's Day, I fulfilled a dream to find in one day
              just after the Germans and some historical silver coin. I went
              into the unknown forest that I have identified a map. From the
              beginning, it was no glory, no sign twenty-communist, but I was
              glad I was on the air and I thought that at least walk. After less
              than an hour's cinklo so I waited a penny 1800, but from me
              instead vykouknul 20 dimes in 1760 Francis of Lorraine. Although
              there was only one, but it made me very happy. It is my first year's
              pretty-I looked at him this year načekal.

              Then I collected a forest-a classic coins from the 19th century and
              due to the approaching evening, I started to back out of the woods.
              On the way to hell jingled again, and lo-von's some kind of german
              pin značenej RZM 60th Please válkaře to determine what to serve?
              Of how small it is quite a heavy. In the forest during the war worked
              by German soldiers unable to fight. Then I dash out of the woods in
              the dark just digs out a ring and a piece from him four coins, which
              were scattered around the FLEKU 40x40 cm. On the way home I still
              had originally parked favorite photograph. His driver is peculiar to
              solve the shortage of parking places in the village.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by oldflagswanted; 02-26-2011, 02:23 AM.
              .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


                Here is my example of one on the far right.
                Attached Files


                  more about SS tops ???

                  Originally posted by Peter A Larson View Post
                  Here is my example of one on the far right.
                  I never tire of seeing your SS top with the remaining
                  wood section. Does it have the seventh pole ring
                  screw hole into the wood? Just curious about it.

                  If so how does it measure down from the bottom legs?
                  Attached Files
                  .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


                    Hi Ben, The holes for the ring are 1/2 inch from the bottom of legs. 3 1/2 inches from the bottom of the ball. This top is probably my best German ebay score ever, several years back.


                      more fahnenspitzen ???

                      Originally posted by Peter A Larson View Post
                      ...holes for the ring are 1/2 inch from the bottom of legs.
                      3 1/2 inches from the bottom of the ball. This top is probably
                      my best German ebay score ever, several years back.
                      Thanks for the measurement info, much appreciated.
                      Here are a couple of my own SS/SA fahnenspitzen, #56 & 57.

                      .......^^^ .................... some of my collection ...................... ^^^...


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